bogus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bogus copied to clipboard

A simple GUI debugger for Clojure


A small, GUI-powered, NIH-reasoned debugger for Clojure.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Conditional break
  • How it works
  • Why
  • An issue with remote REPL by SSH on MacOS
  • Other



[com.github.igrishaev/bogus "0.1.11"]


{com.github.igrishaev/bogus {:mvn/version "0.1.11"}}

The best way to use Bogus is to setup it locally in your profiles.clj file:

;; ~/.lein/profiles.clj

 {:dependencies [[com.github.igrishaev/bogus "0.1.11"]]
  :injections [(require 'bogus.core)]}}


Once you have the dependency added and the bogus.core namespace imported, place one of these two forms into your code:

;; or
;; or
#bg/debug ;; deprecated tag

For example:

(defn do-some-action []
  (let [a 1
        b 2
        c (+ a b)]
    #bogus ;; or (bogus.core/debug)
    (+ a b c)))

Now run the function, and you'll see the UI:

The UI window blocks execution of the code. In the example above, you'll hang right before executing the next (+ a b c) form. Close the window to continue execution of the code.

The UI consists from three parts: the input area, the output, and the log. Type any Clojure-friendly form in the input textarea and press "Eval". The result will take place in the output textarea. You can copy it from there to your editor.

The input can take many Clojure forms at once. They are executed as follows:

(eval '(do (form1) (form2) ...))

so you'll get the result of the last one.

If you mark some text in the input with selection, only this fragment of code will be executed.

In the input code, you can use any local variables as they're global ones. In the example above we've executed the (+ a b c) form referencing local a, b, and c from the let clause.

The "Locals" button pretty-prints the local variables. Bogus does it in advance when the window opens the first time. The "Inspect" button opens the standard clojure.inspector/inspect-tree widget rendering the locals. This is quite useful when examining massive chunks of data.

The Log area tracks the history of the expressions you executed and their results. That's useful sometimes to copy-paste it somewhere. Should you get an exception, it gets rendered with the clojure.stacktrace/print-stack-trace function (which probably needs some improvements).

You can have several debug breakpoints, for example:

(defn do-some-action []
  (let [a 1
        b 2
        c (+ a b)]
    (+ a b c)
    (let [d 9]
      (* a b c d))))

The first debug session will take the a, b, and c locals, whereas the second one will have a, b, c, and d. You won't proceed to the second session until you close the first window.

Bogus debugger works in tests, in nREPL, in ordinary REPL, in Manifold, in the futures as well. Here is a small demo of having two debug sessions in parallel threads:

(let [f1 (future
           (let [a 1]
             (+ a 1)))
      f2 (future
           (let [b 2]
             (+ b 1)))]
  (+ @f1 @f2))

If you run this code, you'll get the two windows each having their own locals:

The second session has the f1 local var captured from the let clause. If you try to deref it, the entire REPL will hang due to the mutual blocking, so be careful when dealing with parallel debugging.

Conditional break

The breakpoints might carry a condition which is useful in cycles. Pass the :when clause to the form's metadata. The debugger will only pop up if the clause gets evaluated to true:

(doseq [x (range 9)]
  #bogus ^{:when (= x 3)}
  (println x))

The idea is stolen from the nREPL/Cider debugger.

How it works

The under-hood of Bogus is simple: it captures the local vars from the &env mapping available in a macro. Then there is a special eval+ function that shifts the locals inside the form it's going to evaluate:

;; locals
'{a 1 b 2}

;; form
'(+ a b)

;; result
(binding [*locals* locals]
  (eval '(let [a (get *locals* 'a)
               b (get *locals* 'b)]
           (+ a b))))

In the initial version of Bogus, there were some dirty tricks with the global variables using intern and resolve. But nowadays they're gone.


The idea of making my own debugger came into my mind while I was writing a new chapter about nREPL and code evaluation. Although Cider provides much more powerful tools for debugging, I still believe Bogus might be useful for someone new to Clojure. The main benefit of Bogus is, it doesn't require the whole nREPL stuff and Emacs. One can use it with any editor or environment. After all, tinkering with Bogus gave me some good material for the book.

An issue with remote REPL by SSH on MacOS

I had an interesting setup in one project which prevented me to use Bogus at first. I connected to a local laptop (connected by Ethernet) by SSH and ran repl, then tried to use Bogus. I was also connected to the laptop by Screen Sharing and expected the Bogus window to pop up. But it didn't work as the JVM thought it was running in headless mode:

Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException:
The application is not running in a desktop session,
but this program performed an operation which requires it.

It turned out, there are several ways to fix the issue, but the simplest one is to pass a special AWT_FORCE_HEADFUL variable when running nREPL:

AWT_FORCE_HEADFUL=true clj -M:nrepl ...
# or
AWT_FORCE_HEADFUL=true lein repl ...

With that var set, the Bogus widget has successfully appeared inside Screen Sharing window. You're welcome to read this blog post for more details.


Copyright © 2022 Ivan Grishaev