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Salesforce native library for generating fake data

Salesforce Faker

Salesforce Faker is a native Salesforce library that generates fake data for you.

Faker is inspired by PHP's Faker.
FakerFactory is inspired by Laravel Model Factory.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Basic Usage
  • Formatters
  • Base
  • Text
  • Person
  • Address
  • Faker Factory
  • License


Deploy to Salesforce

Basic Usage

Use new Faker('US') to create and initialize a faker generator.

Faker faker = new Faker('US');

Integer randomInteger = faker.randomInteger(3);    // 391

String firstName = faker.person.firstName();       // Iggy

String lastName = faker.person.firstName();        // Holmes

String street = faker.address.street();            // 3049 Sunset Avenue

Even if this example shows a property access, each call to faker.person.firstName() yields a different (random) result.

Faker faker = new Faker('US');

faker.person.firstName(); // Felicity
faker.person.firstName(); // Jody
faker.person.firstName(); // Jammie
faker.person.firstName(); // Sylvester
faker.person.firstName(); // Nigel


Each of the generator properties (like name, address, and realText) are called "formatters". A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.

FakerBase faker

String randomElement(new List<String>{'a','b','c'}) // c

Integer randomElement(List<Integer>{1,2,3,4,5})     // 4

Date randomPastDate()                              // 2017-01-01

Date randomFutureDate()                            // 2019-10-05

Time randomTime()                                  // 11:20:40

Datetime randomPastDateTime()                      // 2016-03-05 05:09:44

Datetime randomFutureDateTime()                    // 2020-05-11 06:09:44

Boolean randomBoolean()                            // false

Boolean randomBoolean(85)                          // 85% of being true

String randomString(5)                             // 5 character string [a-zA-Z] EUkfn

String randomCharacter(10)                         // 10 character string [a-zA-Z0-9]+simbols 8K#$(G)$J@

Integer randomIntegerMaxDigits(6)                  // 395894 or 39493

Integer randomInteger(3)                           // 543

Integer randomInteger(10)                          // 4090403 - max is 7 digits. SF doesn't like more

Integer randomIntegerBetween(10,100)               // 74

Integer randomDecimalMaxDigits(4,7)                // 489.4819489

Integer randomDecimal(2,3)                         // 33.549

String bothify('Hello ##??')                       // Hello 39ui (# is randon digit while ? is random letter)

String toAscii('ÜäĂÇ')                             // UaAC

FakerTextProvider faker.text

List<String> realWords(3)                          // 'think','right','please'
String realText(50)                                // How funny it will seem to come out among the people

FakerPersonProvider faker.person

String title()                                     // 'Ms.'
String title('male')                               // 'Mr.'
String title('female')                             // 'Miss.'
String suffix                                      // 'Jr.'
String name('female')                              // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
String name()                                      // 'Janet Einstein'
String firstName()                                 // 'Maynard'
String firstName('female')                         // 'Betsy'
String lastName()                                  // 'Zulauf'
String jobTitle()                                  // 'Radiation Therapist'
String ssn()                                       // '394-03-9503'
String gender()                                    // 'female'
String phone()                                     // '(702) 888-8888'
String phone(123)                                  // '(123) 488-4999' specify US prefix number
Date birthday()                                    // 1985-01-23
String picture(100,100)                            // ''

FakerAddressProvider faker.address

String city()                                      // 'Las Vegas'
String state()                                     // 'Nevada'
String stateCode()                                 // 'NV'
String citySuffix()                                // 'borough'
String street()                                    // '3094 E. Sunset Rd'
String address()                                   // '3766 E. Sunset Rd, Las Vegas NV 89120'
String streetSuffix()                              // 'Lane'
String streetPrefix()                              // 'North'
String buildingNumber()                            // '484'
String unit()                                      // 'B12'
Integer zip()                                      // 89120
String country()                                   // 'Serbia'
Decimal latitude()                                 // 46.100571
Decimal longitude()                                // 19.663298

Faker\Provider\Internet faker.internet

String email()                                     // '[email protected]'
String safeEmail()                                 // '[email protected]'
String freeEmail()                                 // '[email protected]'
String companyEmail()                              // '[email protected]'
String freeEmailDomain()                           // ''
String safeEmailDomain()                           // ''
String username()                                  // 'wade55'
String password(5,10)                              // 'k&|X+a45' between 5 and 10 characters
String domainName()                                // ''
String domainWord()                                // 'feeney'
String tld()                                       // 'biz'
String url()                                       // ''
String slug(3)                                     // 'pack_hello_house'
String slug(3, '-')                                // 'pack-hello-house'
String ipv4()                                      // ''
String localIpv4()                                 // ''
String ipv6()                                      // '8e65:933d:22ee:a232:f1c1:2741:1f10:117c'
String macAddress()                                // '43:85:B7:08:10:CA'


Salesforce FakerFactory is a convenient way to generate new Records with random fake data. Before we can generate the data we need to first create a map of the data.

public class FakerContactFactory extends FakerFactoryBase {

    public override String objectName() {
        return 'Contact';

    public override Map<String, Object> define() {

        return new Map<String, Object>{
                'FirstName'     => this.faker.person.firstName(),
                'LastName'      => this.faker.person.lastName(),
                'MiddleName'    => this.faker.person.firstName(),
                'BirthDay'      => this.faker.person.birthday(),
                'JobTitle'      => this.faker.person.jobTitle(),
                'Website'       => this.faker.internet.url()

After you have the factory map created you can use it in your tests or seeders like this:

Contact c = (Contact) FakerFactory.create(new FakerContactFactory());

System.debug(c.Id);     // 00541000001Kqd4
System.debug(c.Name);   // James Bond

If you need to create a lot of users without hitting the SF limits:

List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();

for(Integer i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  contacts.add((Contact) FakerFactory.make(new FakerContactFactory()));

insert contacts;

System.debug(contacts.size()); // 100

If you need to override a field you can do it by giving the factory a map of values to override:


Contact c = (Contact) FakerFactory.create(new FakerContactFactory(), new Map<String, Object> { 
    'Name' => 'Dexter Morgan'

System.debug(c.Name);   // Dexter Morgan

## License

Salesforce Faker is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.