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Formatter should allow context based indent
Consider the following code snipet:
NewList = case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of
false ->
lists:umerge(fun({_Key1, Val1}, {_Key2, Val2}) ->
compare(Val1, Val2)
[{k1, v1},
{k2, v2},
{k3, v3}])
Note how:
- the body of
indented; - the arguments of
indented; - the elements of the explicitly defined list (
[{k1, v1}...]
) indented.
Another example:
%% gen_server callbacks
and one more:
-spec start_link(List) -> {ok, Pid} |
{error, Error} when
List :: list(),
Pid :: pid(),
Error :: term().
This one is emacs style. As for me should be provided as emacs-style formatting profile.
Yes, it is. And totally agree about the emacs-style formatting profile.
Oh, I see that Emacs-complatible formatter is really important thing for you, guys. But before I can implement it, I need more information about how Emacs formatter works. Some declarative rules will be very helpful.
Another way: provide more settings for the current formatter and create a Emacs style.
I vote for the latter. Personally I don't like emacs style because of its irregularity indent-wise, for instance this code is from rabbit:
reopen(ClosedHdls) -> reopen(ClosedHdls, get_age_tree(), []).
reopen([], Tree, RefHdls) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(RefHdls)};
reopen([{Ref, NewOrReopen, Handle = #handle { hdl = closed,
path = Path,
mode = Mode,
offset = Offset,
last_used_at = undefined }} |
RefNewOrReopenHdls] = ToOpen, Tree, RefHdls) ->
case prim_file:open(Path, case NewOrReopen of
new -> Mode;
reopen -> [read | Mode]
end) of
{ok, Hdl} ->
Now = now(),
{{ok, _Offset}, Handle1} =
maybe_seek(Offset, Handle #handle { hdl = Hdl,
offset = 0,
last_used_at = Now }),
put({Ref, fhc_handle}, Handle1),
reopen(RefNewOrReopenHdls, gb_trees:insert(Now, Ref, Tree),
[{Ref, Handle1} | RefHdls]);
Error ->
%% NB: none of the handles in ToOpen are in the age tree
Oldest = oldest(Tree, fun () -> undefined end),
[gen_server2:cast(?SERVER, {close, self(), Oldest}) || _ <- ToOpen],
I think with this style it's hard to find the lines with the code like this, but it's just my subjectivity talking. But a lot of people used to it so possibility to configure one would be good for them I believe. Another point that there are vim users those might have their own POV how it should look like, so I believe best way to go is make formatting configurable.
Personally I completely satisfied with current formatting style, good job, Sergey!;)
What parameters are needed specifically for Emacs style formatting? One big button "Format as Emacs"? Or something else?
BTW, for me code snippet from rabbit looks very messy.
@vladimirk And that is the reason I like it. Tastes differ :)
@ignatov It is important when you work in a team where people use mostly Emacs.
It is probably better if the Erlang Formatter provides enough nobs so that it can be tweaked to produce Emacs like code. In that case Emacs style formatter profile can even be shipped along with the plugin.
@ignatov By the way, even though I have to format code manually, I switched to Intellij from Emacs completely, for it provides significantly better user experience. And for that I can't praise you enough :). Keep up the grate work you do.
@horkhe, @vladimirk please try the latest build. I've just added alignment for function clauses:
test([]) -> ok;
test(AlignmentTest) -> ok.
Oh no,no,no! Even emacs doesn't work that way. One of the things about emacs formatter that it has shortcuts to align that way but it does not reformat all sources that way! One of the things I don't like about emacs code rules that those are not universal - you can have it couple of ways, all are accepted but none of them applicable to all cases. It you wanna go support emacs formatting it should be extremely optional almost for every rule.
This is emacs formatting style: As you can see in there a lot of ways of indenting same thing and with emacs formatter they are all coexist in same source.
All these rules should be optional. Previous version of formatter was perfect.
@ignatov I totaly agree with @vladimirk everything should be adjustable. As for this particular formatting element, even I emacs-style lover do not use it since it is not a default.
Sure, I'll add the option for such indentation (false by default).
I know that is not native solution but maybe we could use it same way (as option)
Hi, @andrzejsliwa, thanks for the useful advice. At the present @yzh44yzh tries to implement such approach. Please, see
@ignatov yes, but my version is not depends from local .emacs.d configuration and run in batch mode
OK, thanks again.
@andrzejsliwa ok, this code is a little bit better. I will take it into account )
Something for case expression indentation I've pushed in c806c76ce.