
Results 47 comments of ignamartinoli

@Spaceface16518 I don't know exactly how to tackle this issue. The way I use to get linting is running ``` :lua vim.lsp.start { name = 'prolog_lsp', cmd = { 'swipl',...

@williamboman @Spaceface16518 > This module implements code completion, based on defined predicates in the file & imports. I just checked and we get auto-completion **only** for rules defined in the...

I'm experiencing the same issue. `playerctl` output doesn't get updated when pausing if running ```bash playerctl -p 'spotify' -f "{{ markup_escape(artist) }} - {{ markup_escape(title) }} {{ status }}" -F...

@romanstingler Yep. It was resolved in an update.

Yep, fortunately raco works great out of the box