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Iggy is the persistent message streaming platform written in Rust, supporting QUIC, TCP and HTTP transport protocols, capable of processing millions of messages per second.
## Job failure report - **Workflow Name**: test_nightly - **Run ID**: [8407932420]() ### Description A failure occurred in the scheduled run of our nightly test suite. Please investigate the cause...
## Job failure report - **Workflow Name**: coverage - **Run ID**: [8391557663]() ### Description A failure occurred in the scheduled run of our coveralls coverage reporting job. Please investigate the...
## Job failure report - **Workflow Name**: test_nightly - **Run ID**: [8371645062]() ### Description A failure occurred in the scheduled run of our nightly test suite. Please investigate the cause...
## Job failure report - **Workflow Name**: coverage - **Run ID**: [8354006870]() ### Description A failure occurred in the scheduled run of our coveralls coverage reporting job. Please investigate the...
https://www.conduktor.io/kafka/kafka-consumer-important-settings-poll-and-internal-threads-behavior/#fetch.max.wait.ms-4 https://kafka.apache.org/24/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/clients/consumer/KafkaConsumer.html#poll-java.time.Duration- proposal: use different polling strategy
## Job failure report - **Workflow Name**: coverage - **Run ID**: [8332677272]() ### Description A failure occurred in the scheduled run of our coveralls coverage reporting job. Please investigate the...
Introduce similar solution to `docker login` / `docker logout` - which would allow user to use `iggy` command line tool without a need of putting credentials for each command. (See...
We can use `offset_delta` and `timestamp_delta` within the message payload instead of fully qualified offset, since there is base_offset stored on the top level of batch. On top of that...
Install and configure needed SW in macOS pipeline (https://github.com/iggy-rs/iggy/blob/master/.github/workflows/test_pr.yml#L103) and enable 2 test cases (which are disabled for macOS only right now) - `integration/tests/cli/personal_access_token/mod.rs` - `integration/tests/cli/system/mod.rs` Error reported by keyring...