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Official C# dotnet client SDK for Iggy.rs message streaming.
C# SDK for Iggy
Getting Started
Currently supported transfer protocols
The whole SDK revolves around IIggyClient
interface to create an instance of it, use following code
var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
.AddFilter("Iggy_SDK.MessageStream.Implementations;", LogLevel.Trace)
var bus = MessageStreamFactory.CreateMessageStream(options =>
options.BaseAdress = "";
options.Protocol = Protocol.Tcp;
options.TlsSettings = x =>
x.Enabled = false;
x.Hostname = "iggy";
x.Authenticate = false;
}, loggerFactory);
Iggy necessitates the use of ILoggerFactory
to generate logs from locations that are inaccessible to the user.
In addition to the basic configuration settings, Iggy provides support for batching send/poll messages at intervals, which effectively decreases the frequency of network calls, this option is enabled by default.
var bus = MessageStreamFactory.CreateMessageStream(options =>
options.BaseAdress = "";
options.Protocol = protocol;
options.TlsSettings = x =>
x.Enabled = false;
x.Hostname = "iggy";
x.Authenticate = false;
options.IntervalBatchingConfig = x =>
x.Enabled = true;
x.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
x.MaxMessagesPerBatch = 1000;
x.MaxRequests = 4096;
options.MessagePollingSettings = x =>
x.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
x.StoreOffsetStrategy = StoreOffset.AfterProcessingEachMessage;
}, loggerFactory);
Creating and logging in a user
To begin, utilize the root account (note that the root account cannot be removed or updated).
var response = await bus.LoginUser(new LoginUserRequest
Username = "iggy",
Password = "iggy",
Furthermore, after logging in, you have the option to create an account with customizable Permissions
await bus.CreateUser(new CreateUserRequest
Username = "test_user",
Password = "pa55w0rD!@",
Status = UserStatus.Active,
Permissions = new Permissions
Global = new GlobalPermissions
ManageServers = true,
ManageUsers = true,
ManageStreams = true,
ManageTopics = true,
PollMessages = true,
ReadServers = true,
ReadStreams = true,
ReadTopics = true,
ReadUsers = true,
SendMessages = true
Streams = new Dictionary<int, StreamPermissions>
streamId, new StreamPermissions
ManageStream = true,
ReadStream = true,
SendMessages = true,
PollMessages = true,
ManageTopics = true,
ReadTopics = true,
Topics = new Dictionary<int, TopicPermissions>
topicId, new TopicPermissions
ManageTopic = true,
ReadTopic = true,
PollMessages = true,
SendMessages = true
var response = await bus.LoginUser(new LoginUserRequest
Username = "test_user",
Password = "pa55w0rD!@",
Alternatively, once you've logged in, you can create a Personal Access Token
that can be reused for further logins.
var response = await bus.LoginUser(new LoginUserRequest
Username = "your_username",
Password = "your_password",
var patResponse = await bus.CreatePersonalAccessTokenAsync(new CreatePersonalAccessTokenRequest
Name = "first-pat",
Expiry = 60, // seconds from creation time
await bus.LoginWithPersonalAccessToken(new LoginWithPersonalAccessToken
Token = patResponse.Token
Creating first stream and topic
In order to create stream use CreateStreamAsync
await bus.CreateStreamAsync(new StreamRequest
StreamId = 1,
Name = "first-stream",
Every stream has a topic to which you can broadcast messages, for the purpose of create one
use CreateTopicAsync
var streamId = Identifier.Numeric(1);
await bus.CreateTopicAsync(streamId, new TopicRequest
Name = "first-topic",
PartitionsCount = 3,
TopicId = 1
Notice that both Stream aswell as Topic use -
instead of space in its name, Iggy will replace any spaces in
name with -
instead, so keep that in mind.
Sending messages
To send messages you can use SendMessagesAsync
Func<byte[], byte[]> encryptor = static payload =>
string aes_key = "AXe8YwuIn1zxt3FPWTZFlAa14EHdPAdN9FaZ9RQWihc=";
string aes_iv = "bsxnWolsAyO7kCfWuyrnqg==";
var key = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_key);
var iv = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_iv);
using Aes aes = Aes.Create();
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(key, iv);
using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
using BinaryWriter streamWriter = new BinaryWriter(cryptoStream);
return memoryStream.ToArray();
var messages = new List<Message>(); // your messages
var streamId = Identifier.Numeric(1);
var topicId = Identifier.Numeric(1);
await bus.SendMessagesAsync(new MessageSendRequest
Messages = new List<Message>(),
Partitioning = Partitioning.PartitionId(1),
StreamId = streamId,
TopicId = topicId,
}, encryptor); //encryptor is optional
The Message
struct has two fields Id
and Payload
struct Message
public required Guid Id { get; init; }
public required byte[] Payload { get; init; }
Furthermore, there's a generic overload for this method that takes binary serializer as argument.
Func<Envelope, byte[]> serializer = static envelope =>
Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[envelope.MessageType.Length + 4 + envelope.Payload.Length];
BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(buffer[..4], envelope.MessageType.Length);
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(envelope.MessageType).CopyTo(buffer[4..(envelope.MessageType.Length + 4)]);
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(envelope.Payload).CopyTo(buffer[(envelope.MessageType.Length + 4)..]);
return buffer.ToArray();
var messages = new List<Envelope>(); // your messages
await bus.SendMessagesAsync(new MessageSendRequest<Envelope>
StreamId = streamId,
TopicId = topicId,
Partitioning = Partitioning.PartitionId(1),
Messages = messages
Both generic and non generic method accept optional Headers
var headers = new Dictionary<HeaderKey, HeaderValue>
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key_1".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromString("test-value-1") },
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key_2".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromInt32(69) },
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key_3".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromFloat(420.69f) },
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key_4".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromBool(true) },
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key_5".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromBytes(byteArray) },
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key_6".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromInt128(new Int128(6969696969, 420420420)) },
{ new HeaderKey { Value = "key7".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromGuid(Guid.NewGuid()) }
await bus.SendMessagesAsync<Envelope>(new MessageSendRequest<Envelope>
StreamId = streamId,
TopicId = topicId,
Partitioning = Partitioning.PartitionId(1),
Messages = messages
Fetching Messages
Fetching messages is done with FetchMessagesAsync
Func<byte[], byte[]> decryptor = static payload =>
string aes_key = "AXe8YwuIn1zxt3FPWTZFlAa14EHdPAdN9FaZ9RQWihc=";
string aes_iv = "bsxnWolsAyO7kCfWuyrnqg==";
var key = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_key);
var iv = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_iv);
using Aes aes = Aes.Create();
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(key, iv);
using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(payload);
using CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
using BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(cryptoStream);
return binaryReader.ReadBytes(payload.Length);
var messages = await bus.FetchMessagesAsync(new MessageFetchRequest
StreamId = streamId,
TopicId = topicId,
Consumer = Consumer.New(1),
Count = 1,
PartitionId = 1,
PollingStrategy = PollingStrategy.Next(),
AutoCommit = true
Similarly, as with SendMessagesAsync
, there's a generic overload that accepts a binary deserializer.
Func<byte[], Envelope> deserializer = serializedData =>
Envelope envelope = new Envelope();
int messageTypeLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedData, 0);
envelope.MessageType = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedData, 4, messageTypeLength);
envelope.Payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedData, 4 + messageTypeLength, serializedData.Length - (4 + messageTypeLength));
return envelope;
var messages = await bus.FetchMessagesAsync<Envelope>(new MessageFetchRequest
StreamId = streamId,
TopicId = topicId,
Consumer = Consumer.New(1),
Count = 1,
PartitionId = 1,
PollingStrategy = PollingStrategy.Next(),
AutoCommit = true
}, deserializer, decryptor);
Beyond the FetchMessagesAsync
functionality, there's also a PollMessagesAsync
method that spawns new thread which polls messages in background.
await foreach (var messageResponse in bus.PollMessagesAsync<Envelope>(new PollMessagesRequest
Consumer = Consumer.New(consumerId),
Count = 1,
TopicId = topicId,
StreamId = streamId,
PartitionId = 1,
PollingStrategy = PollingStrategy.Next(),
}, deserializer, decryptor))
//handle the message response
It is worth noting that every method (except PollMessagesAsync
) will throw an InvalidResponseException
when encountering an error.
If you register IIggyClient
in a dependency injection container, you will have access to interfaces
that encapsulate smaller parts of the system IIggyStream
For more information about how Iggy works check its documentation
Producer / Consumer Sample
To run the samples, first get Iggy, Run the server with cargo r --bin server
, then get the SDK, cd into Iggy_SDK
and run following commands: dotnet run -c Release --project Iggy_Sample_Producer
for producer, dotnet run -c Release --project Iggy_Sample_Consumer
for consumer.
- Add support for
Dependency Injection