Tomohisa Igarashi
Tomohisa Igarashi
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose This could be visualized as a dead end branch with just one step
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose Support copy an existing step node, branch or a whole route on the canvas, and paste it. This improves the...
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose Currently we're using `$comment` to pass additional information that JSON schema doesn't have a property to note, for example `javaType`...
### Please describe the task that needs to be done Currently it is sorted alphabetically and keep required fields upper. Since Camel catalog has indexes explicitly, it would be better...
### Describe the Bug `JSon` dataformat has `schemaResolver` parameter which is supposed to have a bean reference. Currently it is just a textbox and bean reference field is not activated....
### Please describe the task that needs to be done See
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose Severap EIP steps like `setBody`, requires an expression to be specified, and if specified expression type specific validation is required,...
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose loadbalance step requires a loadbalancer to be specified, and if specified loadbalancer type specific validation is required, meaning dynamically determine...
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose marshal/unmarshal step requires a dataformat to be specified, and if specified dataformat type specific validation is required, meaning dynamically determine...
### Please describe the task that needs to be done Currently when user change the language by selecting one in the dropdown box, the expression string is erased. We should...