This is how I'm starting the algorithm ``` opt0 = bbsetup(imuNoiseTestS; Method=optMethod, SearchRange = range, NumDimensions = nn, MaxTime = testTime[mode], TraceInterval = traceInt, ) res0 = bboptimize(opt0) bf0 =...
Thanks for looking into this! I'm not providing any initial starting point actually (but will do in future). The function evaluation is not easy to reproduce (setup may take days)....
And I'm using master branch already.. will update.
``` (rdftest) pkg> st Project rdftest v0.1.1 Status `C:\space\rdframer\rdm_reframer\julia\rdftest\Project.toml` [a134a8b2] BlackBoxOptim v0.6.1 `https://github.com/robertfeldt/BlackBoxOptim.jl.git#random_bound_assertion_error` ``` ``` Starting optimization with optimizer GeneratingSetSearcher(BlackBoxOptim.ConstantDirectionGen) 0.00 secs, 2 evals, 0 steps, fitness=25.596723730 ERROR: AssertionError: target[1]=-0.30955795254238905...
Finally I implemented a shift for all the range values to the positive aria. Now everything looks like working as expected. :adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited is working. generating_set_search looks like working, at least...
Again, after some time I got this; this time it was 1D case, positive range.. ``` Starting optimization with optimizer DiffEvoOpt{FitPopulation{Float64}, RadiusLimitedSelector, BlackBoxOptim.AdaptiveDiffEvoRandBin{ndomBound{ContinuousRectSearchSpace}} 0.00 secs, 0 evals, 0 steps ERROR:...
this was with adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited solver @robertfeldt [robertfeldt](https://github.com/robertfeldt), would you please look into this?
Will try to make a fitness function which would be possible to share. And which creates same issues.
read only access for QT5 DLL files on Windows, not read-and-execute. So those libraries cannot be opened (by QWT/Marble/MathGL/qwtw_jll/QWTWPlot in my case)
@nhz2 , this might be possible but I'm not sure how this will work with package compiler. When I tried PPTX as a part of the compiled app, TEMPLATE_DIR was...