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Quality of Life Tool
I had the idea that we could design a tool to capture facets quality of life (QOL) (mental health focused of course) across time. 5 or so questions per category/facet might be about right.
We were thinking about integrating the tool with the Moments feature since quality of life is a big factor in someone's moment in time (using categories as facets of QOL and possibly an aggregate of moods as another facet).
At a further time, it might be possible to integrate QOL with strategies, with strategies having the option to strive for a certain quality of life, and possibly integration with other features down the road, but right now it would be really cool just to see how well it does as lone-standing feature.
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Check out our Picking Up Issues guide if you haven't already! An example of an implementation of a QOL with similar features to what I could see the QOL tool of having.
Two questions @bshap93:
- Because of the graphical feedback this tool strikes me as an SPA (Single Page Application) within the site, but it could also be done as a set of forms rendered on the server with the graphical elements rendered either via D3 or static server rendered graphics. How do you envision this tool being built?
- Do you have a set of questions ready with weights and such?
@shiftyp I envisioned the quality of life tool using D3 for visualization as you said, and allowing users to create their own questions and categorize/weight them, but SPA might be better. As a default, I wonder if we could get permission from on the grounds that we were expanding the scope of the questionnaire from bipolar disorder to mental health in general.
From the bottom of this page:
Both the full and the brief version of the QoL.BD may be used without licencing fees in research and clinical trial settings.
It also lists a point of contact for permission to adapt the questionnaire.
How's this going @bshap93?
I haven't been able to get to it lately, but after this week, it's something I'd like to start.
I spun up a standalone rails app that could probably be integrated. I don't know d3 yet though so the results don't have a graph yet. It's up here and the code is here
Sorry for the late response @bshap93! This looks fantastic :) I like the idea of recurring questions that are part of sub-sections. Could definitely see it being integrated with the app! Looking forward to seeing the graph results.
@bshap93 if you haven't started on the charts yet, I have a access to some frontend guys at work for QnA.
I can read up on how to API - ify the rails controllers, and add a simple chart setup so we can make it pretty. SPA is nice, but I think we can get away without it for simple charts.