Ignacio Fuertes
Ignacio Fuertes
Why we need to use the master version? Does it contain any fix that wasn't released yet?
> @jLopezbarb @jmacelroy @ifbyol one option here is to use the official compose struct as the interface for `deploy/destroy` commands, and let our serializer generate this struct from our custom...
@jmacelroy It is not an issue now, it will be in the future with new versions of kubernetes with new spec changes. > If that does happen how would we...
@teresaromero You can also check the vulnerabilities reported in our helm chart: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/okteto/okteto-enterprise You can also use trivy locally to see the results. You can install trivy (https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy/v0.18.3/installation/) and then...
Just a note. The issue that originated this ticket was for HTTP status code 5xx. (different of HTTP 200 in the graphql API with some error messages)
BuildKit version was already updated to a bigger version
I was testing it and If I specify the namespace through the flag `-n`, we don't show the context information, but prior this change, we were displaying it
Hi @ivasilyev-servicetitan-com thanks for reporting it, this was fixed as part of https://github.com/okteto/okteto/pull/4177 and today we have released the version `2.25.2` to fix it. Could you try it when you...
Closing this as it should be already fixed in `2.25.2`. If you still experience this issue, please, reopen it
@pchico83 @codyjlandstrom @rlamana I think we need to think about this from a product perspective. I agree the experience is odd for the customer as they might think that the...