@mcollina sure, I can try, do you know where fastify has the route-matching implemented?
@mcollina I have added this pull request I had a little trouble finding my way thru the tests, hopefully it is okay?
after configuring the service (!/guide/Android_Services ) build the app and then check the `AndroidManifest.xml` in your `build/android` folder. You will find something like this: ``` ``` Its basically your...
I have not configured a specific stage in the configuration. In other projects deployments when deployed to lambda (in combination with serverless-lift plugin), it will generate a unique name for...
@thomas-tacquet do you plan on supporting the stage option from serverless or will you leave it like it is?
I understand the impact on the UI, I would not want to delay a render, while a re-render might be acceptable. In my scenario a transaction is built, which is...
I'm also running into this issue, somehow some IDs can be load while others are not. They are however available and pinned on multiple systems. Anyone has any ideas or...
@darrenvechain what about making the options compatible to the [`ContractCallOptions`]( on `executeContractCall`? It basically allows to do a simulation
@Valazan I am happy to learn about `contracts` module, looks very nice and I will give it a try! It looks like it will work like an ethers [contract instance](,...
@Valazan I just had my first test with it, it works a bit different than `ethers`. The main difference is that I expected it to have the functions as root...