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GitHub Action to calculate the next release version based on conventional commits

Semver Github Action

Release License

Semver Conventional Commits - Github Action

This GitHub Action automatically determinate the next release version to use based on all the Conventional Commits since the latest tag.

  • Example Workflow
  • Inputs
  • Outputs

Works great alongside the Changelog from Conventional Commits action!

Example workflow

name: Deploy


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Get Next Version
        id: semver
        uses: ietf-tools/semver-action@v1
          token: ${{ github.token }}
          branch: main

      - name: Create Release
        uses: ncipollo/[email protected]
          allowUpdates: true
          draft: false
          makeLatest: true
          name: ${{ }}
          body: Changelog Contents
          token: ${{ github.token }}


Field Description Required Default
token Your GitHub token. (e.g. ${{ github.token }}) :white_check_mark:
branch The branch to use when fetching list of commits to compare against. (e.g. main) :x: main
majorList Comma separated commit prefixes, used to bump Major version.
A BREAKING CHANGE note in a commit message will still cause a major bump.
minorList Comma separated commit prefixes, used to bump Minor version. :x: feat, feature
patchList Comma separated commit prefixes, used to bump Patch version. :x: fix, bugfix, perf, refactor, test, tests
patchAll If set to true, will ignore patchList and always count commits as a Patch. :x: false
skipInvalidTags If set to true, will skip tags that are not valid semver until it finds a proper one (up to maxTagsFetch from latest). :x: false
noVersionBumpBehavior Whether to exit with an error (default), a warning, silently, the current version or force bump using patch when none of the commits result in a version bump. (Possible values: error, warn, current, patch or silent) :x: error
noNewCommitBehavior Whether to exit with an error (default), a warning, the current version or silently when there are no new commits since the latest tag. (Possible values: error, warn, current or silent) :x: error
prefix A prefix that will be striped when parsing tags (e.g. foobar/). Any other prefix will be ignored. Useful for monorepos. The prefix will be added back to the output values. :x:
additionalCommits A list of additional commit messages to parse in order to calculate semver. :x:
fromTag Override the tag to use when comparing against the branch in order to fetch the list of commits. :x:
maxTagsToFetch Maximum number of tags to fetch from latest. :x: 10


Field Description Example Value
current Current version number / latest tag. v1.1.9
next Next version number in format v0.0.0 v1.2.0
nextStrict Next version number without the v prefix. 1.2.0
nextMajor Next version major number in format v0 v1
nextMajorStrict Next version major number only. 1
bump Next version behavior: major, major, major or none. minor

:warning: Important :warning:

You must already have an existing tag in your repository. The job will exit with an error if it can't find the latest tag to compare against!