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Balloting History for Area Director Workload page

Open rdanyliw opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments


Add a new section in the Area Director Workload page ( to cover balloting history.

Title = "Balloting Record" Column 1: AD Name Column 2: Total number of documents presented to the AD to ballot on Column 3: Number of documents on which a COMMENT has been filed Column 4: Number of documents on which a DISCUSS has been filed Column 5: Number of documents on which an ABSTAIN has been filed Column 6: Number of document on which a RECUSE has been filed Column 7: Number of document on which no ballot has been filed

Code of Conduct

rdanyliw avatar Oct 13 '22 20:10 rdanyliw

By documents, you mean drafts. Other ballot types (charter, conflict-review, status-change) would need different treatment.

How do we deal with multiple positions on a document? If an AD files a DISCUSS and later and ABSTAIN on the same document, both counters would go up?

Why is "YES" and "No Objection" not in the list. Perhaps a counter that shows how many YES or NOOBJ with no comment would be useful?

Note that "COMMENT" isn't a position. We can build counters for drafts with BallotPositionDocEvents that have non-empty comment fields, but think about what this is really going to tell you - I'm not sure that perhaps a count of ballots with no discuss and no comment text might be more useful?

rjsparks avatar Oct 13 '22 22:10 rjsparks

Yes, I meant drafts only.

I confused a number of things. The states I was interested in tracking were what you said -- Yes, NoObj, Discuss, Abstain, Recuse, and No Record.

As a first pass since it wouldn't entail more complicated logic, each position type would be counted. For the situation of "If an AD files a DISCUSS and later and ABSTAIN on the same document, both counters would go up?"+1 on DISCUSS and +1 on ABSTAIN.

To the line of inquiry around "no position", I meant a count of a "no record" ballot.

rdanyliw avatar Oct 13 '22 22:10 rdanyliw

Even if this is not always really meaningful, should the "size" (in lines) of the ballot explanation be counted ? I.e., a very detailed review is more useful than a simple 'empty' YES or NoObj

evyncke avatar Oct 27 '22 06:10 evyncke

@evyncke I don't think so. We don't want to encourage verbosity to drive up some score.

larseggert avatar Oct 27 '22 10:10 larseggert

@larseggert OTOH, balloting without any real comments is also driving up scores ;)

evyncke avatar Oct 27 '22 10:10 evyncke