video2dataset copied to clipboard
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out.
I run this commad:
video2dataset --url_list="results_2M_train.csv" \
--input_format="csv" \
--output-format="webdataset" \
--output_folder="test" \
--url_col="contentUrl" \
--caption_col="name" \
--save_additional_columns='[videoid,page_idx,page_dir,duration]' \
--enable_wandb=False \
--config=default \
At first, the download process went smoothly, and I successfully downloaded 96 .tar files, totaling about 200GB. Then, error messages started appearing.
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out.
I switched to a different computer and attempted to download again, but encountered the same errors after downloading around 200GB. Could this be due to a download limit imposed by the video source website? How should I resolve this issue?
I'm encountering the same problem. Have you already resolved this issue?