Ian Douglas Scott
Ian Douglas Scott
20 ms is pretty bad, since that gives you less that 60fps just calling `set_buffer`, before accounting for time spent actually rendering. With some quick testing, I don't seem to...
https://github.com/rust-windowing/softbuffer/pull/65 should improve performance on some platforms, though on macOS that's currently limited to the same approach. https://github.com/rust-windowing/softbuffer/issues/83 mentions a possible approach on macOS. I'd be happy to hear if...
This would probably be better implemented in winit as an event sent to the event loop (https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2412). We could make `set_buffer` block on the frame callback, which Mesa's `eglSwapBuffers` does...
I used vaz-ar's fork as the basis for Wikicurses, a curses based Mediawiki client. https://github.com/ids1024/wikicurses
Ah, this isn't something I considered when we merged the kms backend in softbuffer. Using softbuffer with `default-features = false` to leave out the kms feature would be reasonable. It...
This generally seems like important/expected functionality if winit is used for a UI toolkit. (See https://github.com/slint-ui/slint/issues/2375, https://github.com/iced-rs/iced/issues/30) Looking at how GTK4 implements `GdkPopup`: * Wayland: uses [`xdg_popup`](https://wayland.app/protocols/xdg-shell#xdg_popup), which is created...
@notgull I seem to have forgotten that you began implementing this. :laughing: Anyway, I'm familiar with how this works on Wayland, somewhat familiar with how X does it, and used...