
Results 23 comments of iad

Works great on M1 Mac running X86_64 QEMU guest with Debian 11.3.0

I think this would be worth trying, provided we can benchmark this feature against current performance. We have some benchmarking code that was used to assess L1/L2 distances between points...

Hi there! First, thanks for trying out Bravetools. In short, there are plans to provide deb packaging through a custom PPA. This feature is a little bit further down the...

This looks really nice - Would be good to have a nice mechanism of creating remotes directly through bravetools without manual copy of certs. Thoughts?

Hi - this seems to be related to: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/fail-to-start-container/5878/5 Can you debug by: 1. removing the container - `brave remove centos` 2. change Bravefile resources to `gpu: "no"` 3. `brave...

Could you check if you're able to build and deploy an image without gpu support?

LXD shouldn't have any issues running systemd, so this is again looks like a start up problem inside your container. To troubleshoot, see the first scenario on: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/faq Re GUI:...

> Hi Ben. I can see the value of this feature. However the use case with starting a web server from Bravetools, I think, is not exactly where this should...

Hi there - this is a tensorflow error, could you please provide more details * Which operating system are you using * What is your version of Tensorflow * Are...

Could be a couple of things: 1. It might be a GPU memory issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69401285/attempting-to-perform-blas-operation-using-streamexecutor-without-blas-support To fix, try to disable GPU processing in your notebook: ``` import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] =...