Idris2 copied to clipboard
Idris2 is anticlassical
I expect this is known but just for the sake of it, I thought I'd port Chung Kil Hur's classic proof.
module InjectiveTypeConstructors
0 ExcludedMiddle : Type
ExcludedMiddle = (0 a : Type) -> Either a (Not a)
data InverseImage : (a -> b) -> b -> Type where
MkII : (x : a) -> f x === y -> InverseImage f y
parameters (exmid : ExcludedMiddle)
data I : (Type -> Type) -> Type where
injectiveI : forall a, b. I a === I b -> a === b
injectiveI Refl = Refl
J : Type -> (Type -> Type)
J a with (exmid (InverseImage I a))
J a | Left (MkII x y) = x
J a | Right b = const Void
IJIeqI : (x : Type -> Type) -> I (J (I x)) === I x
IJIeqI x with (exmid (InverseImage I (I x)))
_ | Left (MkII y eq) = eq
_ | Right notp = void $ notp (MkII x Refl)
surjectiveJ : (x : Type -> Type) -> InverseImage J x
surjectiveJ x = MkII (I x) (injectiveI $ IJIeqI x)
Cantor : Type -> Type
Cantor a with (exmid (J a a === Void))
Cantor a | Left a' = ()
Cantor a | Right b = Void
cantorUnit : J a a === Void -> Cantor a === ()
cantorUnit eq with (exmid (J a a === Void))
_ | Left p = Refl
_ | Right p = void (p eq)
cantorVoid : Not (J a a === Void) -> Cantor a === Void
cantorVoid neq with (exmid (J a a === Void))
_ | Left p = void (neq p)
_ | Right p = Refl
cantorNotJ : Not (Cantor === J a)
cantorNotJ pf with (exmid (J a a === Void))
_ | Left p =
let eq : Void === ()
:= trans (sym p) (trans (cong ($ a) (sym pf)) (cantorUnit p)) in
rewrite eq in ()
_ | Right p = p $ trans (cong ($ a) (sym pf)) (cantorVoid p)
anticlassical : Not ExcludedMiddle
anticlassical exmid with (surjectiveJ exmid (Cantor exmid))
_ | MkII a eq = cantorNotJ exmid (sym eq)
It's only anticlassical if you put LEM in the proof-relevant fragment. It might not be anticlassical if you put it in a propositional fragment, no?