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Type checker hangs and errors

Open marcosh opened this issue 5 years ago • 7 comments

We're working on a library formalising (monoidal) categories and we reached a point where the type checker hangs while elaborating a type and, after more or less an hour without printing anything on the logs, it errors. I'm really at a loss here, because the code really looks correct and I am out of clues on how to proceed on this.

I isolated the issue as much as possible. It is described in an issue of the project itself, where I linked also the output of the compiler logs. In short, the issue emerges while compiling this file. I created a branch where I tried to remove a lot of noise, which could be used to try to debug the problem.

You should be able to reproduce the issue just by trying to compile the above mentioned file.

I tried looking at the logs, but the were not very helpful for me to debug the problem.

I tried compiling with the --nocoverage flag, but that does not seem to solve the issue.

I am using version 1.3.1 of Idris

Any hint on how to solve this issue would be extremely valuable

marcosh avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 marcosh

Hi, let me add to to this that we looked with a number of people at the problem (cc @FabrizioRomanoGenovese @clayrat @andrevidela @epost and IIRC @fredrikNordvallForsberg) and we cannot seem to get it to terminate.

Please let us know how if we can provide further information or insights. Thanks a lot!

wires avatar Apr 18 '19 17:04 wires

To allow an easier debugging process, I collected all the relevant code in a single file (

I'm also pasting here the whole code

module SymmetricMonoidalCategoryNotCompiling

cong2 : {f : t -> u -> v} -> a = b -> c = d -> f a c = f b d
cong2 Refl Refl = Refl

record Category where
  constructor MkCategory
  obj           : Type
  mor           : obj -> obj -> Type
  identity      : (a : obj) -> mor a a
  compose       : (a, b, c : obj)
               -> (f : mor a b)
               -> (g : mor b c)
               -> mor a c
  leftIdentity  : (a, b : obj)
               -> (f : mor a b)
               -> compose a a b (identity a) f = f
  rightIdentity : (a, b : obj)
               -> (f : mor a b)
               -> compose a b b f (identity b) = f

record CFunctor (cat1 : Category) (cat2 : Category) where
  constructor MkCFunctor
  mapObj          : obj cat1 -> obj cat2
  mapMor          : (a, b : obj cat1)
                 -> mor cat1 a b
                 -> mor cat2 (mapObj a) (mapObj b)

record NaturalTransformation
  (cat1 : Category)
  (cat2 : Category)
  (fun1 : CFunctor cat1 cat2)
  (fun2 : CFunctor cat1 cat2)
    constructor MkNaturalTranformation
    component : (a : obj cat1) -> mor cat2 (mapObj fun1 a) (mapObj fun2 a)

record Isomorphism (cat : Category) (a : obj cat) (b : obj cat) (morphism : mor cat a b) where
  constructor MkIsomorphism
  Inverse: mor cat b a

record NaturalIsomorphism
  (cat1 : Category)
  (cat2 : Category)
  (fun1 : CFunctor cat1 cat2)
  (fun2 : CFunctor cat1 cat2)
  constructor MkNaturalIsomorphism
  natTrans : NaturalTransformation cat1 cat2 fun1 fun2

record ProductMorphism
  (cat1 : Category)
  (cat2 : Category)
  (a : (obj cat1, obj cat2))
  (b : (obj cat1, obj cat2))
    constructor MkProductMorphism
    pi1 : mor cat1 (fst a) (fst b)
    pi2 : mor cat2 (snd a) (snd b)

productIdentity :
     (a : (obj cat1, obj cat2))
  -> ProductMorphism cat1 cat2 a a
productIdentity {cat1} {cat2} a = MkProductMorphism (identity cat1 (fst a)) (identity cat2 (snd a))

productCompose :
     (a, b, c : (obj cat1, obj cat2))
  -> (f : ProductMorphism cat1 cat2 a b)
  -> (g : ProductMorphism cat1 cat2 b c)
  -> ProductMorphism cat1 cat2 a c
productCompose {cat1} {cat2} a b c f g = MkProductMorphism
  (compose cat1 (fst a) (fst b) (fst c) (pi1 f) (pi1 g))
  (compose cat2 (snd a) (snd b) (snd c) (pi2 f) (pi2 g))

productLeftIdentity :
     (a, b : (obj cat1, obj cat2))
  -> (f : ProductMorphism cat1 cat2 a b)
  -> productCompose a a b (productIdentity a) f = f
productLeftIdentity {cat1} {cat2} a b (MkProductMorphism f1 f2)
  = cong2 {f = MkProductMorphism} (leftIdentity cat1 (fst a) (fst b) f1) (leftIdentity cat2 (snd a) (snd b) f2)

productRightIdentity :
     (a, b : (obj cat1, obj cat2))
  -> (f : ProductMorphism cat1 cat2 a b)
  -> productCompose a b b f (productIdentity b) = f
productRightIdentity {cat1} {cat2} a b (MkProductMorphism f1 f2)
  = cong2 {f = MkProductMorphism} (rightIdentity cat1 (fst a) (fst b) f1) (rightIdentity cat2 (snd a) (snd b) f2)

productCategory : (cat1, cat2 : Category) -> Category
productCategory cat1 cat2 = MkCategory
  (obj cat1, obj cat2)
  (ProductMorphism cat1 cat2)
  (productIdentity {cat1} {cat2})
  (productCompose {cat1} {cat2})
  (productLeftIdentity {cat1} {cat2})
  (productRightIdentity {cat1} {cat2})

functor3 : (cat : Category) -> CFunctor (productCategory cat (productCategory cat cat)) cat

Associator :
     (cat : Category)
  -> Type
Associator cat = NaturalIsomorphism (productCategory cat (productCategory cat cat))
                                    (functor3 cat)
                                    (functor3 cat)

data MonoidalCategory : Type where
  MkMonoidalCategory :
       (cat : Category)
    -> (associator : Associator cat)
    -> MonoidalCategory

AssociativityCoherence :
     (cat : Category)
  -> (associator : Associator cat)
  -> Type
AssociativityCoherence cat associator = ()

cat : MonoidalCategory -> Category
cat (MkMonoidalCategory innerCat _) = innerCat

associator : (mCat : MonoidalCategory) -> Associator (cat mCat)
associator (MkMonoidalCategory _ associator) = associator

data SymmetricMonoidalCategory : Type where
  MkSymmetricMonoidalCategory :
       (monoidalCategory : MonoidalCategory)
    -> AssociativityCoherence (cat monoidalCategory)
                              (associator monoidalCategory)
-> SymmetricMonoidalCategory

I noticed that if I comment out some pieces of the code, it actually compiles. Anyway, this issue still remains pretty much a mystery to me. Any hint would be highly appreciated

marcosh avatar Apr 23 '19 18:04 marcosh

You can also try it out on

wires avatar Apr 25 '19 12:04 wires

I noticed that if I comment out some pieces of the code, it actually compiles.

It would be good to know which code being removed makes the issue go away.

jfdm avatar Apr 26 '19 12:04 jfdm

@jfdm thanks for your answer

For example the code compiles (in almost 10 seconds) by removing the associator from AssociativityCoherence. Another thing I noticed is that the code compiles (in more or less 50 seconds) if you comment out leftIdentity and rightIdentity in the definition of Category.

marcosh avatar Apr 26 '19 14:04 marcosh

Hi @jfdm , you see it in effect if you remove the SymmetricMonoidalCategory definition, or just the AssociativityCoherence part of the type:

data SymmetricMonoidalCategory : Type where
  MkSymmetricMonoidalCategory :
       (monoidalCategory : MonoidalCategory)
    -> AssociativityCoherence (cat monoidalCategory)
                              (associator monoidalCategory)
    -> SymmetricMonoidalCategory

The compiler works without this definition, but keeps running if you add it.

wires avatar Apr 30 '19 13:04 wires

Any updates on this?

Jake-Gillberg avatar Apr 27 '20 18:04 Jake-Gillberg