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testFactorial1 not solvable with "Refl"

Open peterb12 opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Using "Refl" as the solution for test_factorial1 (or 2) yields:

 |   When checking right hand side of testFactorial1 with expected type
 |           factorial 3 = 6
 |   Type mismatch between
 |           6 = 6 (Type of Refl)
 |   and
 |           factorial 3 = 6 (Expected type)
 |   Specifically:
 |           Type mismatch between
 |                   6
 |           and
 |                   factorial 3

This is important because (1) no other tactics have been introduced at this point and (2) later in the chapter, we explicitly claim that it is solvable that way:

Now that we've defined a few datatypes and functions, let's turn to stating and proving properties of their behavior. Actually, we've already started doing this: each of the functions beginning with \idr{test} in the previous sections makes a precise claim about the behavior of some function on some particular inputs. The proofs of these claims were always the same: use \idr{Refl} to check that both sides contain identical values.

peterb12 avatar Dec 21 '18 04:12 peterb12

Ah, we're just missing %default total in the header of the file, thanks.

clayrat avatar Dec 21 '18 09:12 clayrat