Ian Paterson

Results 46 issues of Ian Paterson

AppleScript [now supports](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/applescript/conceptual/applescriptlangguide/conceptual/ASLR_lexical_conventions.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000983-CH214-SW8) single-line comments delimited either by two dashes `--` or the hash symbol `#`. Since previously the AppleScript language definition for Sublime highlighted only the former, this pull...

We're not crazy enough to document every variable in our SASS, but it would be very useful to be able to document what we consider to be the most important...

Comments and triple-stache expressions were not compatible with `~` whitespace control characters. This pull request adds support for the following syntaxes to allow proper code highlighting when using the control...

This pull request adds a `rename` option expecting a function that, given the name of a variable in the final output, can return a modified name. As shown in the...

I have a `grunt serve` task that does a build, starts a web server, then uses grunt-open to launch the web page once the server has fully started. I use...

If the event is fired multiple times, do not continue to open the page. Requires the open task to be run again in order to open again. This may be...