Ian Paterson

Results 39 comments of Ian Paterson

It might be, we had discussed this somewhere and I believe I suggested popping up the system text editor to compare and view notes as a possible implementation. Does your...

GitHub now supports hosting the repository's pages from a `docs/` directory in the master branch. This will be much more maintainable than the submodule approach discussed above.

Thanks for the suggestion, some similar ideas are described in #94. The main challenge here is making the task parser operate with a starting value as defined by the task....

I do, too! I have spent most of my open source development time lately on the next major version of parsedatetime, which is the library used by this workflow for...

That is an interesting idea but it would entail a large amount of work. Ordering of items (and especially the workflow's sync of that ordering) is somewhat tenuous. The position...

The Wunderlist app does have a Sort By Creation Date on the list but I believe that permanently reorders the tasks. It would probably be easier in the workflow to...

@ady624, once CoRE is released if you were to tag each release (e.g. git-flow) would it be possible for `/dashboard` to reference the static files based on the version of...

There seems to be a global outage since SmartThings ripped out some functionality that webCoRE required. Hang tight for an official fix but there is more info [in the community](https://community.webcore.co/t/there-was-a-problem-loading-the-dashboard-data-august-25-2020/17835)

I don't have any devices to test this out but if you want to modify the code at account.smartthings.com and test locally I'll gladly review a pull request. The [code...

Sorry I guess this is one that would only be updated in the local db when the webCoRE version number changes. You can log out and back in to the...