The function createTransaction in utils/transaction.js and sendTransaction in services/transactions.js both only work for ETH transactions, right? what about other tokens instead of ETH? for instance, if a user wants to...
Reference to I followed the above issue solution, still got the same error: the code: ` const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, ); if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { console.log('onPressDownloads...
HI, I am trying to use this library to upload image files, but for some reason, during runtime, it always used the form-data library from react-native: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Network/FormData.js I tried: import...
I am trying to change the color of the cursor when it is highlighted, for TextInput component, the selectionColor style property works, but for PhoneInput, it does not work on...
Hi, I have code as following: { }} onScaleEnd={(event, styles) => { }} onRotateEnd={(event, styles) => { }}> when I press the image and do not rotate the image or...
Hi, I am trying to get the width of the text rotated or scaled, when I tried the following code: ` this.measureText(event)} style={{fontFamily: "arialuni",fontSize: 20,padding:0,marginBottom:4, color: 'white', elevation: (Platform.OS ===...
Hi, I am using the Gestures for rotation and scaling purpose of text and image, I need to get the left and top values of a text after it is...
Hi, is this project still alive? I tried this library, but I got Invalid_scope error, I tried all the suggestions from this link:, but still the same issue, this is...
Hi, this library works when it translate the text input into sound from device, but may I use this library to get the audio mp3 file? in other words, I...
Hi All, for some reason, I tried the following code to load a photo, I first copied the jpg file to a sub directory as photo.jpg, but the editor loaded...