Alex Pelagenko
Alex Pelagenko
Perhaps there is an error and connection dropped before returning the error to the client. What is in server logs when this happens?
> > I apologise for messing things up. > > Not a huge deal. The conflicts are trivial to resolve. > > > Why do we branch the branch at...
#### [PR Coverage check] :heart_eyes: **pass** : 4564 / 5001 (91.26%) #### file detail | |path|covered line|new line|coverage| |----|----|----|----|----| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/wal/|0|2|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/sql/|0|2|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/wal/seq/|0|14|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/wal/|0|6|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/sql/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/log/|0|12|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/mp/|0|7|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/engine/groupby/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/vm/api/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/pool/|0|1|00.00%|...
What will be in the logs if you do `select` from this table?
> > What will be in the logs if you do `select` from this table? > > I can not see it > You can still query it and see...
If you can attach the folder content we can have a look
#### [PR Coverage check] :heart_eyes: **pass** : 6 / 6 (100.00%) #### file detail | |path|covered line|new line|coverage| |----|----|----|----|----| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/|6|6|100.00%|
#### [PR Coverage check] :heart_eyes: **pass** : 136 / 182 (74.73%) #### file detail | |path|covered line|new line|coverage| |----|----|----|----|----| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/model/|0|5|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/model/|1|10|10.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/model/|70|96|72.92%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/std/|19|21|90.48%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/std/|19|21|90.48%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/std/|13|14|92.86%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/std/|14|15|93.33%|
You can reduce index capacity. How many rows per symbol value are you going to have within 1 Hour partition? You can probably reduce it to 128 if 4096 is...
> How is this calculated, why is the index capacity planning set to `128` (instead of `4096`) can fit each partition single `4096` data reports for symbol? Also, is `on...