Alex Pelagenko
Alex Pelagenko
You can try `Prepare()`
Lookup by parameter name as you do below is not the fastest, index is better. ``` com.Parameters[v.ParameterName] ``` Try combining paging and `Prepare()`. Pg interface is not the fastest in...
#### [PR Coverage check] :heart_eyes: **pass** : 1951 / 2138 (91.25%) #### file detail | |path|covered line|new line|coverage| |----|----|----|----|----| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/engine/functions/|0|2|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/sql/|0|2|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/sql/|0|2|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cutlass/http/processors/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cutlass/http/processors/|0|1|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/engine/functions/groupby/|0|2|00.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/griffin/engine/functions/|2|29|06.90%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/vm/api/|2|4|50.00%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/std/|5|7|71.43%| |:large_blue_circle:|io/questdb/cairo/sql/|6|8|75.00%|...
Hi @xrust01 , Adding decimals up to 64bits with total precision of 20 digits and max scale of 12 will be possible without major re-write. Anything beyond this limit will...
How is it going? It is hanging around in draft state for a while, have you found any interesting leaks you want to submit fix later on?
Thanks for the issue. Would it possible to get a copy of the table's data? You can send us via slack or share it in some other way.
It's certainly related to the bug that `UNION` does not apply `DISTINCT` on the whole result set at the moment. This is being fixed by #2123
I am fixing empty result set you observed, it should be timeout error instead. The reason for slowness described in #2302, it's an expected performance regression in order to fix...
Thanks for comprehensive description. Would be good to see corrupt table if possible or a csv to create it. Unfortunately presence of `.lock` file does not necessary mean that the...
I've seen this error with real Postgres in npgsql driver. I means that TCP connection is closed from the database or network infra. QuestDB can close idle TCP connections after...