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🔎 Super-scale your images and run experiments with Residual Dense and Adversarial Networks.

Results 109 image-super-resolution issues
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I have trained my own model and I'm able to predict in single images. But I'm unable to use predictor class to run on the model on entire image of...


``` ~/image-super-resolution/ISR/utils/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this,...

Hello. I have problems running ISR in docker under windows 10. Build succecfull. But run: `docker run -v ${pwd}/data/:/home/isr/data -v ${pwd}/weights/:/home/isr/weights -v ${pwd}/config.yml:/home/isr/config.yml -it isr -p -d -c config.yml` show:...

When I run the pip installation command of "pip install ISR" in Windows command prompt and in Ubuntu-20.04 (WSL), I get the following errors: ERROR: Cannot install isr==1.9.0, isr==1.9.1, isr==1.9.2,...

While getting requirements to build wheel for functools32, Poetry throws an error stating _"This backport is for Python 2.7 only."_ I've searched the issues and have not found any regarding...

Hi, I installed using pip and used python3 to run the piece of code below : ` import numpy as np from PIL import Image img ='/home/agam/flash_images/lib/uncompressed/upload_1.jpg') lr_img...

Hi, I'm getting this error when I try to predict after training: ``` ValueError: Input 0 of layer "generator" is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 40, 40, 3), found...

I am curios to know how to enable the GPU acceleration on Google Colab. While running [ISR_Prediction_Tutorial.ipynb](, I have changed runtime type to GPU, but Colab shows that although I...

Dear developers, I am from a genomics background, but I would love to ask you one question regarding achieving super resolution for 3d data clouds of genomics datasets. So say...

When I perform training, models for the generator, discriminator and feature extractor are saved. When I want to perform prediction, is there a way to combine these models? How would...