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source man pages for explainshell.com

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These were listed using [extractgzlist](https://github.com/idank/explainshell/blob/7d727dcc31a8d636980e93b7e3d2b92134654dd0/tools/extractgzlist) (with `release="trusty"` and `section="1"` or `section="8"`) and downloaded using `parallel "wget -nv {}" < gzlist1 # or gzlist8`

Any interest in adding manpages from Arch?

What would be the best way to replace docker with container-related docker. Right now it is " System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications"

these are .1 man pages from the openJDK7-b25(current version in ubuntu 13.10) http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/rev/cbc8ad9dd0e0

Includes man-pages of portage, the official gentoo package manager and some very widely used tools for portage. Thanks for your great page :)

Would you rather I add Fedora's complete manpage set or do you need me to deduplicate it somehow?