**问题描述** 在玩游戏或看视频有小概率会触发突然绿屏无响应(没有关机)或突然关机的问题,本来以为是买的矿卡 5600xt 问题,因为自己在家经常使用这台机器有点头疼,网上搜了下发现居然有一堆类似 green screen 的问题。 经排查,可能存在的问题: - BIOS 配置 - USB 映射 - 显卡驱动版本 - 显卡本身缺陷 - macOS 版本缺陷 目前先排除前四个问题,第五个问题在[macOS Monterey 12.3](https://github.com/perez987/6600XT-on-macOS-12-13-with-PowerPlayTable#amd-5000-and-6000-performance-issue-in-monterey-123-fixed-in-monterey-1231) 版本确实存在过此问题,虽然 12.3.1 据说修复了,从 [Radeon Pro W5500...
鉴于不同应用的类型需求不同,在这一层新增了应用上传的最大保留版本数,效果如下图 提示:此功能和自动清理旧版本功能不冲突 关联 #1388
目的:减少资源依赖,本身 redis 的作用单纯为了后台任务,大部分的页面 cache 也都不性能,索性把 redis 放弃改用纯 postgres 驱动。
根据 https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/group/subgroups/ 介绍 GitLab 9.0 支持子群组。节后考虑看看实现的成本。 关联 #22
``` os: macOS 10.12.4 iterm2: 3.0.15 ``` Old [version](https://github.com/caiogondim/maglev/commit/922e7bbe880c8dd7bad1fc348067a6ef81208c49) is works, all tpm plugins i had installed, such like tmux-battery, tmux-cpu. this is my tmux config file: https://gist.github.com/icyleaf/1244274
Run the binary and throws an error: ``` 2022-06-07T16:16:32.445+0800 DEBUG runtime/adapter.go:405 controller starting {"component": "theilaRuntime", "controller": "UpgradeController"} 2022-06-07T16:16:32.445+0800 INFO grpc/grpc.go:124 serve gRPC at {"component": "grpc"} 2022-06-07T16:16:32.445+0800 INFO backend/server.go:104 serving...
I dig how macro works in Crystal and done a simple Reflect class, but Crystal can not accept Any Class or Struct as args of method. (also thanks @jhass in...
Refer to the simplest member management implemented in [AppCenter](https://learn.microsoft.com/appcenter/dashboard/creating-and-managing-apps#app-roles). Todo list: - [x] db design - [x] app collaborator management - [x] new permission - [x] dashboard page - [x]...