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A swift, lightweight forum system

alpaca (ONLY for Kohana v3.0.x)

Project is NOT maintain, Thanks for support!

A swift, lightweight forum system (development)

It is unstable and still developing, so we are not recommend to deploy it in your project.



App Intaller (Recommend)

curl -s | sh

This script just helps you to download and initial structure, you also following steps beginning Setup 2 below.

Manual Setup

Step 1: Download Alpaca!

Using your console, to get it from git execute the following command in the root of your development environment:

  • Using Git 1.6.5 or newer version:

    $ git clone --recursive git://

  • Using older git verions:

    $ git clone git://

Next, add whatever submodules alpaca need, they must be initialized and update (go to alpaca path):

$ cd alpaca
$ git submodule update --init

One more thing, alpaca require twig-php template engine. Then, go to path core/modules/twig, it also must be initialized and update:

$ cd core/modules/twig
$ git submodule update --init

That's all there is to it.

Step 2: Cownfiguration of Database

Edit application/config/database.php with the correct information.

$development variable is development environment in local.

$production variable is production environment online.

Step 3: Import SQL

Run the SQL found in dump/install.sql.

Step 4: Configuration of Alpaca

Open core/bootstrap.php and make the following changes:

  • Set the default timezone for your application

Make sure the cache and logs directories are world writable with chmod {cache,logs} 0777

Depending on your platform, the installation's subdirs may have lost their permissions thanks to zip extraction. Chmod them all to 755 by running find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; from the root of your Alpaca installation.

Never need to set base_url, it could be detected from your browser.

Step 5: Configuration of Forum

Open core/application/config/alpaca.php and make whatever your need to change, but ONLY make the project property to renain for upgrade.

Start your journey!

Now Browse to and you should see the Home Page.

By default, the first registered user has Administrator privilege.