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Code for NeurIPS 2023 paper "DASpeech: Directed Acyclic Transformer for Fast and High-quality Speech-to-Speech Translation".
Qingkai Fang, Yan Zhou, Yang Feng* | Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT/CAS)
This is the PyTorch implementation of the NeurIPS 2023 paper DASpeech: Directed Acyclic Transformer for Fast and High-quality Speech-to-Speech Translation.
Abstract: DASpeech is a non-autoregressive direct S2ST model which realizes both fast and high-quality S2ST. To better capture the multimodal distribution of the target speech, DASpeech adopts the two-pass architecture to decompose the generation process into two steps, where a linguistic decoder first generates the target text, and an acoustic decoder then generates the target speech based on the hidden states of the linguistic decoder. Specifically, we use the decoder of DA-Transformer as the linguistic decoder, and use FastSpeech 2 as the acoustic decoder. DA-Transformer models translations with a directed acyclic graph (DAG). To consider all potential paths in the DAG during training, we calculate the expected hidden states for each target token via dynamic programming, and feed them into the acoustic decoder to predict the target mel-spectrogram. During inference, we select the most probable path and take hidden states on that path as input to the acoustic decoder. DASpeech successfully achieves both high-quality translations and fast decoding speeds for S2ST.
Audio samples are available at https://ictnlp.github.io/daspeech-demo/.
🔥 News
[2024/01] We have preliminarily released the data processing scripts because many people are in need. Please refer to the documentation. We are currently working on a more concise version and plan to release it as soon as possible.
DASpeech files
We provide the fairseq plugins in the directory DASpeech/
, some of them (custom_ops/
, nat_dag_loss.py
) are copied from the original DA-Transformer.
├── __init__.py
├── criterions
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── nat_dag_loss.py ## DA-Transformer loss
│ ├── s2s_dag_fastspeech2_loss.py ## DASpeech loss
│ └── utilities.py
├── custom_ops ## CUDA implementations
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── dag_best_alignment.cu
│ ├── dag_loss.cpp
│ ├── dag_loss.cu
│ ├── dag_loss.py
│ ├── logsoftmax_gather.cu
│ └── utilities.h
├── datasets
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── nat_speech_to_speech_data_cfg.py
│ ├── nat_speech_to_speech_dataset.py ## NAR S2ST dataset
│ └── nat_speech_to_text_dataset.py ## NAR S2TT dataset
├── generator
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── generate_features.py ## Generation scripts
│ ├── s2s_nat_generator.py ## NAR S2ST generator
│ ├── s2t_nat_generator.py ## NAR S2TT generator
│ └── speech_generator_modified.py
├── models
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── fastspeech2_noemb.py
│ ├── s2s_conformer_dag_fastspeech2.py ## DASpeech model
│ ├── s2t_conformer_dag.py ## S2TT DA-Transformer model
│ └── s2t_conformer_nat.py
└── tasks
├── __init__.py
├── nat_speech_to_speech.py ## NAR S2ST task
└── nat_speech_to_text.py ## NAR S2TT task
Requirements & Installation
- python >= 3.8
- pytorch == 1.13.1 (cuda == 11.3)
- torchaudio == 0.13.1
- gcc >= 7.0.0
- Install fairseq via
pip install -e fairseq/
Data Preparation
- Download the CVSS Dataset.
- Extract the mel-filterbank features of the source speech.
- Perform forced alignment for the target speech using Montreal Forced Aligner. From the alignment results, we can obtain the target phoneme sequence and durations of each phoneme.
- Extract the mel-spectrogram, as well as the pitch and energy information of the target speech.
- Format the data as follows:
[Speech-to-Text Translation Data]
Training data for the S2TT DA-Transformer
should be like this:
id audio n_frames tgt_text speaker
common_voice_fr_17732749 data/cvss-c/x-en/src_fbank80.zip:152564:126208 394 M AE1 D AH0 M spn DH AH0 B EH1 R AH0 N IH0 S None
common_voice_fr_17732750 data/cvss-c/x-en/src_fbank80.zip:112447740355:226048 706 Y UW1 N OW1 EH1 Z W EH1 L EH1 Z AY1 D UW1 DH AE1 T M EH1 N IY0 N UW1 M AA1 L AH0 K Y UW2 L Z AE1 V AH0 N F AO1 R CH AH0 N AH0 T L IY0 B IH1 N D IH2 S AH0 P OY1 N T IH0 NG None
common_voice_fr_17732751 data/cvss-c/x-en/src_fbank80.zip:117843863169:129408 404 OW1 B IH0 K AH1 Z N AW1 HH W EH1 N W IY1 T AO1 K AH0 B AW1 T D R IH1 NG K IH0 NG AY1 L IY1 V None
The configuration file config.yaml
should be like this:
input_channels: 1
input_feat_per_channel: 80
freq_mask_F: 27
freq_mask_N: 1
time_mask_N: 1
time_mask_T: 100
time_mask_p: 1.0
time_wrap_W: 0
- utterance_cmvn
- utterance_cmvn
- specaugment
vocab_filename: vocab.txt
[Text-to-Speech Data]
Training data for the FastSpeech 2
should be like this:
id audio n_frames tgt_text speaker src_text duration pitch energy
common_voice_fr_17732749 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/logmelspec80.zip:9649913382:42048 131 M AE1 D AH0 M spn DH AH0 B EH1 R AH0 N IH0 S None madam pfeffers the baroness 6 10 3 6 7 41 1 4 6 8 6 4 4 8 17 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/pitch.zip:56518652:248 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/energy.zip:39972962:188
common_voice_fr_17732750 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/logmelspec80.zip:9565416692:131328 410 Y UW1 N OW1 EH1 Z W EH1 L EH1 Z AY1 D UW1 DH AE1 T M EH1 N IY0 N UW1 M AA1 L AH0 K Y UW2 L Z AE1 V AH0 N F AO1 R CH AH0 N AH0 T L IY0 B IH1 N D IH2 S AH0 P OY1 N T IH0 NG None you know as well as i do that many new molecules have unfortunately been disappointing 10 4 6 15 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 14 8 20 12 12 4 15 6 3 8 5 34 13 5 3 3 7 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 6 11 4 6 9 4 3 5 3 4 7 7 5 5 5 3 6 5 8 9 4 5 7 10 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/pitch.zip:56028170:600 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/energy.zip:39626736:364
common_voice_fr_17732751 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/logmelspec80.zip:6059194182:112128 350 OW1 B IH0 K AH1 Z N AW1 HH W EH1 N W IY1 T AO1 K AH0 B AW1 T D R IH1 NG K IH0 NG AY1 L IY1 V None oh because now when we talk about drinking i leave 31 24 5 8 10 8 6 31 26 5 4 5 4 6 11 10 7 3 5 9 5 6 3 5 4 7 7 11 41 10 22 11 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/pitch.zip:35504944:384 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/energy.zip:25110282:256
The configuration file config.yaml
should be like this:
energy_max: 5.70564079284668
energy_min: 1.0e-08
eps: 1.0e-05
f_max: 8000
f_min: 20
hop_len_t: 0.011609977324263039
hop_length: 256
n_fft: 1024
n_mels: 80
n_stft: 513
pitch_max: 6.611038927172726
pitch_min: 1.0e-08
sample_rate: 22050
type: spectrogram+melscale+log
win_len_t: 0.046439909297052155
win_length: 1024
window_fn: hann
stats_npz_path: data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/gcmvn_stats.npz
sample_rate: 22050
- global_cmvn
vocab_filename: vocab.txt
[Speech-to-Speech Translation Data]
Training data for the DASpeech
should be like this:
id src_audio src_n_frames tgt_text tgt_audio tgt_n_frames duration pitch energy
common_voice_fr_17732749 data/cvss-c/x-en/src_fbank80.zip:152564:126208 394 M AE1 D AH0 M spn DH AH0 B EH1 R AH0 N IH0 S data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/logmelspec80.zip:9649913382:42048 131 6 10 3 6 7 41 1 4 6 8 6 4 4 8 17 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/pitch.zip:56518652:248 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/energy.zip:39972962:188
common_voice_fr_17732750 data/cvss-c/x-en/src_fbank80.zip:112447740355:226048 706 Y UW1 N OW1 EH1 Z W EH1 L EH1 Z AY1 D UW1 DH AE1 T M EH1 N IY0 N UW1 M AA1 L AH0 K Y UW2 L Z AE1 V AH0 N F AO1 R CH AH0 N AH0 T L IY0 B IH1 N D IH2 S AH0 P OY1 N T IH0 NG data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/logmelspec80.zip:9565416692:131328 410 10 4 6 15 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 14 8 20 12 12 4 15 6 3 8 5 34 13 5 3 3 7 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 6 11 4 6 9 4 3 5 3 4 7 7 5 5 5 3 6 5 8 9 4 5 7 10 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/pitch.zip:56028170:600 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/energy.zip:39626736:364
common_voice_fr_17732751 data/cvss-c/x-en/src_fbank80.zip:117843863169:129408 404 OW1 B IH0 K AH1 Z N AW1 HH W EH1 N W IY1 T AO1 K AH0 B AW1 T D R IH1 NG K IH0 NG AY1 L IY1 V data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/logmelspec80.zip:6059194182:112128 350 31 24 5 8 10 8 6 31 26 5 4 5 4 6 11 10 7 3 5 9 5 6 3 5 4 7 7 11 41 10 22 11 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/pitch.zip:35504944:384 data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/energy.zip:25110282:256
The configuration file config.yaml
should be like this:
# source audio
input_channels: 1
input_feat_per_channel: 80
freq_mask_F: 27
freq_mask_N: 1
time_mask_N: 1
time_mask_T: 100
time_mask_p: 1.0
time_wrap_W: 0
- utterance_cmvn
- utterance_cmvn
- specaugment
# target audio
energy_max: 5.70564079284668
energy_min: 1.0e-08
eps: 1.0e-05
f_max: 8000
f_min: 20
hop_len_t: 0.011609977324263039
hop_length: 256
n_fft: 1024
n_mels: 80
n_stft: 513
pitch_max: 6.611038927172726
pitch_min: 1.0e-08
sample_rate: 22050
type: spectrogram+melscale+log
win_len_t: 0.046439909297052155
win_length: 1024
window_fn: hann
stats_npz_path: data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/gcmvn_stats.npz
sample_rate: 22050
- global_cmvn
# vocab
vocab_filename: vocab.txt
Model Training
We takes CVSS-C Fr-En as an example. All models are trained on 4 RTX 3090 GPUs. You can adjust the --update-freq
depending on the number of your available GPUs.
1. S2TT DA-Tranformer Pretraining
fairseq-train data/cvss-c/fr-en/fbank2phone \
--user-dir DASpeech \
--config-yaml config.yaml \
--task nat_speech_to_text --noise full_mask \
--arch s2t_conformer_dag --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
--pos-enc-type rel_pos --decoder-learned-pos --attn-type espnet \
--activation-fn gelu --apply-bert-init \
--encoder-layers 12 --encoder-embed-dim 256 --encoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --encoder-attention-heads 4 \
--decoder-layers 4 --decoder-embed-dim 512 --decoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --decoder-attention-heads 8 \
--links-feature feature:position --decode-strategy lookahead \
--max-source-positions 6000 --max-target-positions 1024 --src-upsample-scale 0.5 \
--criterion nat_dag_loss \
--max-transition-length 99999 \
--glat-p 0.5:0.1@100k --glance-strategy number-random \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9,0.999)' --fp16 \
--label-smoothing 0.0 --weight-decay 0.01 --dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --relu-dropout 0.1 \
--lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 10000 \
--clip-norm 1.0 --lr 0.0005 --warmup-init-lr 1e-7 --stop-min-lr 1e-9 \
--ddp-backend=legacy_ddp \
--max-tokens 40000 --update-freq 2 --grouped-shuffling \
--max-update 100000 --max-tokens-valid 20000 \
--save-interval 1 --save-interval-updates 2000 \
--seed 1 \
--train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--validate-interval 1000 --validate-interval-updates 2000 \
--eval-bleu --eval-bleu-args '{"iter_decode_max_iter": 0, "iter_decode_with_beam": 1}' \
--eval-bleu-print-samples \
--best-checkpoint-metric bleu --maximize-best-checkpoint-metric \
--save-dir checkpoints/cvss-c.fr-en.da-transformer \
--keep-best-checkpoints 5 \
--keep-interval-updates 5 --keep-last-epochs 5 \
--no-progress-bar --log-format json --log-interval 100 \
--num-workers 0
2. FastSpeech 2 Pretraining
fairseq-train data/cvss-c/fr-en/tts/ \
--config-yaml config.yaml --train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--num-workers 0 --max-sentences 64 --max-update 100000 \
--task text_to_speech --criterion fastspeech2 --arch fastspeech2 \
--encoder-layers 4 --encoder-embed-dim 256 --encoder-attention-heads 4 \
--decoder-layers 4 --decoder-embed-dim 256 --decoder-attention-heads 4 \
--fft-hidden-dim 1024 \
--clip-norm 5.0 --n-frames-per-step 1 \
--dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 \
--optimizer adam --lr 5e-4 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 --fp16 \
--no-progress-bar --log-format json --log-interval 100 \
--required-batch-size-multiple 1 \
--save-interval 1 --save-interval-updates 2000 \
--validate-interval 1000 --validate-interval-updates 2000 \
--save-dir checkpoints/cvss-c.fr-en.fastspeech2 \
--keep-best-checkpoints 5 \
--keep-interval-updates 5 --keep-last-epochs 5 \
--seed 1 --update-freq 2
3. DASpeech finetuning
fairseq-train data/cvss-c/fr-en/nat_s2s \
--user-dir DASpeech \
--config-yaml config.yaml \
--task nat_speech_to_speech --noise full_mask \
--arch s2s_conformer_dag_fastspeech2 --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
--pos-enc-type rel_pos --decoder-learned-pos --attn-type espnet \
--activation-fn gelu --apply-bert-init \
--encoder-layers 12 --encoder-embed-dim 256 --encoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --encoder-attention-heads 4 \
--decoder-layers 4 --decoder-embed-dim 512 --decoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --decoder-attention-heads 8 \
--tts-encoder-layers 4 --tts-encoder-embed-dim 256 --tts-encoder-attention-heads 4 \
--tts-decoder-layers 4 --tts-decoder-embed-dim 256 --tts-decoder-attention-heads 4 \
--fft-hidden-dim 1024 --adaptor-ffn-dim 1024 \
--n-frames-per-step 1 \
--links-feature feature:position --decode-strategy lookahead \
--max-source-positions 6000 --max-target-positions 1024 --max-target-audio-positions 1200 --src-upsample-scale 0.5 \
--criterion s2s_dag_fastspeech2_loss --training-strategy expect --tts-loss-weight 5.0 \
--max-transition-length 99999 \
--glat-p 0.1:0.1@50k --glance-strategy number-random \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9,0.999)' --fp16 \
--label-smoothing 0.0 --weight-decay 0.01 --dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --relu-dropout 0.1 \
--lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 \
--clip-norm 1.0 --lr 0.001 --warmup-init-lr 1e-7 --stop-min-lr 1e-9 \
--ddp-backend=legacy_ddp \
--max-tokens 20000 --update-freq 4 --grouped-shuffling \
--max-update 50000 --max-tokens-valid 20000 \
--save-interval 1 --save-interval-updates 2000 \
--seed 1 \
--train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--validate-interval 1000 --validate-interval-updates 2000 \
--save-dir checkpoints/cvss-c.fr-en.daspeech \
--keep-last-epochs 10 \
--no-progress-bar --log-format json --log-interval 100 \
--load-pretrained-dag-from checkpoints/cvss-c.fr-en.da-transformer/average_best_checkpoint.pt \
--load-pretrained-fastspeech-from checkpoints/cvss-c.fr-en.fastspeech2/average_best_checkpoint.pt \
--num-workers 0
Multilingual Setting (CVSS-C X-En many-to-one S2ST training)
In the multilingual setting we adopt a two-stage S2TT pretraining strategy. Initially, we pretrain the speech encoder and the linguistic decoder using the speech-to-subword task, followed by pretraining on the speech-to-phoneme task. In the second stage of pretraining, the embedding and output projection matrices of the decoder are replaced and trained from scratch to accommodate changes in the vocabulary.
The script for the two-stage S2TT pretraining is below:
# speech-to-subword pretrain
fairseq-train data/cvss-c/x-en/fbank2text \
--user-dir DASpeech \
--config-yaml config.yaml \
--task nat_speech_to_text --noise full_mask \
--arch s2t_conformer_dag --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
--pos-enc-type rel_pos --decoder-learned-pos --attn-type espnet \
--activation-fn gelu --apply-bert-init \
--encoder-layers 12 --encoder-embed-dim 256 --encoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --encoder-attention-heads 4 \
--decoder-layers 4 --decoder-embed-dim 512 --decoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --decoder-attention-heads 8 \
--links-feature feature:position --decode-strategy lookahead \
--max-source-positions 6000 --max-target-positions 1024 --src-upsample-scale 0.5 \
--criterion nat_dag_loss \
--max-transition-length 99999 \
--glat-p 0.5:0.1@100k --glance-strategy number-random \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9,0.999)' --fp16 \
--label-smoothing 0.0 --weight-decay 0.01 --dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --relu-dropout 0.1 \
--lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 10000 \
--clip-norm 1.0 --lr 0.0005 --warmup-init-lr 1e-7 --stop-min-lr 1e-9 \
--ddp-backend=legacy_ddp \
--max-tokens 40000 --update-freq 2 --grouped-shuffling \
--max-update 100000 --max-tokens-valid 20000 \
--save-interval 1 --save-interval-updates 2000 \
--seed 1 \
--train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--validate-interval 1000 --validate-interval-updates 2000 \
--eval-bleu --eval-bleu-args '{"iter_decode_max_iter": 0, "iter_decode_with_beam": 1}' \
--eval-bleu-print-samples \
--best-checkpoint-metric bleu --maximize-best-checkpoint-metric \
--save-dir checkpoints/cvss-c.x-en.da-transformer.subword \
--keep-best-checkpoints 5 \
--keep-interval-updates 5 --keep-last-epochs 5 \
--no-progress-bar --log-format json --log-interval 100 \
--num-workers 0
# speech-to-phoneme pretrain
fairseq-train data/cvss-c/x-en/fbank2phone \
--user-dir DASpeech \
--config-yaml config.yaml \
--task nat_speech_to_text --noise full_mask \
--arch s2t_conformer_dag --share-decoder-input-output-embed \
--pos-enc-type rel_pos --decoder-learned-pos --attn-type espnet \
--activation-fn gelu --apply-bert-init \
--encoder-layers 12 --encoder-embed-dim 256 --encoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --encoder-attention-heads 4 \
--decoder-layers 4 --decoder-embed-dim 512 --decoder-ffn-embed-dim 2048 --decoder-attention-heads 8 \
--links-feature feature:position --decode-strategy lookahead \
--max-source-positions 6000 --max-target-positions 1024 --src-upsample-scale 0.5 \
--criterion nat_dag_loss \
--max-transition-length 99999 \
--glat-p 0.5:0.1@100k --glance-strategy number-random \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9,0.999)' --fp16 \
--label-smoothing 0.0 --weight-decay 0.01 --dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --relu-dropout 0.1 \
--lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 10000 \
--clip-norm 1.0 --lr 0.0005 --warmup-init-lr 1e-7 --stop-min-lr 1e-9 \
--ddp-backend=legacy_ddp \
--max-tokens 40000 --update-freq 2 --grouped-shuffling \
--max-update 100000 --max-tokens-valid 20000 \
--save-interval 1 --save-interval-updates 2000 \
--seed 1 \
--train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--validate-interval 1000 --validate-interval-updates 2000 \
--eval-bleu --eval-bleu-args '{"iter_decode_max_iter": 0, "iter_decode_with_beam": 1}' \
--eval-bleu-print-samples \
--best-checkpoint-metric bleu --maximize-best-checkpoint-metric \
--save-dir checkpoints/cvss-c.x-en.da-transformer.phoneme \
--keep-best-checkpoints 5 \
--keep-interval-updates 5 --keep-last-epochs 5 \
--no-progress-bar --log-format json --log-interval 100 \
--load-pretrained-dag-from checkpoints/cvss-c.x-en.da-transformer.subword/average_best_checkpoint.pt \
--num-workers 0
The evaluation process consists of the following steps:
- Average the last 5 checkpoints.
- Generate the target mel-spectrogram with Lookahead or Joint-Viterbi decoding.
- Convert the mel-spectrogram into waveform with HiFi-GAN VCTK_V1 vocoder (Please download the model and configuration file to
directory). - Compute the ASR-BLEU score.
We provide the evaluation scripts in test_scripts/
. You can just run:
sh test_scripts/generate.fr-en.lookahead.vctk.sh cvss-c.fr-en.daspeech
For Joint-Viterbi decoding, please select the value of parameter $\beta$ according to the performance on the dev
If this repository is useful for you, please cite as:
title={{DAS}peech: Directed Acyclic Transformer for Fast and High-quality Speech-to-Speech Translation},
author={Fang, Qingkai and Zhou, Yan and Feng, Yang},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},