CodeConverter copied to clipboard
VB -> C#: Count in VB.Net may need to be converted to Count() in C#
VB.Net input code
Dim lstCropRecordsToDelete As List(Of PolicyCrop) = <snip>
If lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0 Then
' do stuff
End If
Erroneous output
var lstCropRecordsToDelete = <snip>
if (lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0)
// do stuff
This gets Visual Studio error:
CS0019 Operator '>' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'int'
Expected output (add parentheses)
var lstCropRecordsToDelete = <snip>
if (lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count() > 0)
// do stuff
- Product in use: VS extension
- Version in use:
Thanks for the report, the snip
is actually relevant here - it dictates what type "var" ends up as. From the error, I can assume it doesn't result in List<PolicyCrop>
since that does have a property called count.
Dim lstCropRecordsToDelete As List(Of PolicyCrop) = new List(Of PolicyCrop)
If lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0 Then
' do stuff
End If
converts to
var lstCropRecordsToDelete = new List<PolicyCrop>();
if (lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0)
// do stuff
which compiles fine.
Dim lstCropRecordsToDelete As List(Of PolicyCrop) = Nothing
If lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0 Then
' do stuff
End If
converts to
List<PolicyCrop> lstCropRecordsToDelete = null;
if (lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0)
// do stuff
which also compiles (because it specified the type since it wasn't the same as what the right hand side would create.
So even if you can't share exactly what's in <snip>
, could you let me know what type is inferred for the var, and/or experiment a little with to see what the key part of it is that causes var to appear?
Thanks, Graham,
Apologies for leaving out the details. Here's the unmodified VB.NET code:
Dim Live_Data = (From p In db.Policies
Group Join pc In db.PolicyCrops On pc.Policy_ID Equals p.Policy_ID Into Group1 = Group
From pc In Group1.DefaultIfEmpty
Where p.Reinsurance_Year = sf.CombinedSourceFile.Reinsurance_Year_Parsed_From_FileName).ToList
Dim lstCropRecordsToDelete As List(Of PolicyCrop) = (From live In Live_Data
Where live.pc IsNot Nothing AndAlso (live.pc.IS_DELETED = False And live.p.Reinsurance_Year = sf.CombinedSourceFile.Reinsurance_Year_Parsed_From_FileName)
Group Join staged In Staged_Data.AsEnumerable On live.pc.ARMtech_Key Equals staged.Field(Of String)("AIP_Insurance_In_Force_Key") Into Group1 = Group
From row In Group1.DefaultIfEmpty
Where row Is Nothing
Select live.pc).ToList
If lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0 Then
PolicyCrop.Delete_Whole_PolicyCrop(db, lstCropRecordsToDelete.Select(Function(x) x.PolicyCrop_ID).ToArray())
Get_Modified_Records(db, sf.CombinedSourceFile.File_Modified_Date)
End If
and unmodified C# result:
var Live_Data = (from p in db.Policies
join pc in db.PolicyCrops on p.Policy_ID equals pc.Policy_ID into Group1
from pc in Group1.DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.Reinsurance_Year == sf.CombinedSourceFile.Reinsurance_Year_Parsed_From_FileName
select p).ToList();
var lstCropRecordsToDelete = (from live in Live_Data
where live.pc is not null && live.pc.IS_DELETED == false & live.p.Reinsurance_Year == sf.CombinedSourceFile.Reinsurance_Year_Parsed_From_FileName
join staged in Staged_Data.AsEnumerable() on live.pc.ARMtech_Key equals staged.Field<string>("AIP_Insurance_In_Force_Key") into Group1
from row in Group1.DefaultIfEmpty()
where row is null
select live.pc).ToList();
if (lstCropRecordsToDelete.Count > 0)
PolicyCrop.Delete_Whole_PolicyCrop(db, lstCropRecordsToDelete.Select(x => x.PolicyCrop_ID).ToArray());
Get_Modified_Records(db, sf.CombinedSourceFile.File_Modified_Date);
This was converted with CodeConverter
In the converted result, if I hover over Live_Data, I see List<Policy>
(which is wrong, mentioned in #931).
Hovering over lstCropRecordsToDelete just gives a question mark ?
Maybe fixing 931 will fix this issue automatically.
If all the types are known I think this will work fine. If the compiler can't tell that's a list in the VB snippet, e.g. because it didn't know the type of live.pc, then the converter can't (easily) know either. I'll close this as no fix. If there's a self contained compiling snippet with the same issue though please reopen or create a new issue for it