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What would I measure, Prolog with or without garbage collection?
Lets say this feature request would be realized:
feature request time/1 and/or statistics/2 predicate
What would I measure a Prolog system with or without garbage collection? Is this documented somewhere?
For example Scryer Prolog has no garbage collection, and it still fails with this test case:
$ ulimit -m 2000000
$ ulimit -v 2000000
$ target/release/scryer-prolog -v
$ target/release/scryer-prolog
?- [user].
app([], X, X).
app([X|Y], Z, [X|T]) :- app(Y, Z, T).
garbage(0, [0]) :- !.
garbage(N, L) :- M is N-1, garbage(M, R), app(R, R, L).
foo :- garbage(12,_), foo.
?- foo.
memory allocation of 2147483648 bytes failed
The above preferably runs indefinitely. For example SWI-Prolog can run it indefinitely.