moko-resources copied to clipboard
Expected object 'SharedRes' has no actual declaration in module <package_name:site> for JS
I have created kobweb project which is a framework built on top of compose web
I add moko-resouces as plugin, library and define the versions in libs.versions.toml
[versions] jetbrains-compose = "1.5.1" kobweb = "0.14.0" kotlin = "1.9.10" multiplatform-resources = "0.23.0"
kobweb-api = { module = "com.varabyte.kobweb:kobweb-api", version.ref = "kobweb" }
kobweb-core = { module = "com.varabyte.kobweb:kobweb-core ", version.ref = "kobweb" }
kobweb-silk-core = { module = "com.varabyte.kobweb:kobweb-silk", version.ref = "kobweb" }
kobweb-silk-icons-fa = { module = "com.varabyte.kobweb:kobweb-silk-icons-fa", version.ref = "kobweb" }
kobweb-silk-icons-mdi = { module = "com.varabyte.kobweb:kobweb-silk-icons-mdi", version.ref = "kobweb" }
#kobwebx-markdown = { module = "com.varabyte.kobwebx:kobwebx-markdown", version.ref = "kobweb" }
multiplatform-resources = { module = "dev.icerock.moko:resources", version.ref = "multiplatform-resources" }
jetbrains-compose = { id = "org.jetbrains.compose", version.ref = "jetbrains-compose" }
kobweb-application = { id = "com.varabyte.kobweb.application", version.ref = "kobweb" }
kobweb-library = { id = "com.varabyte.kobweb.library", version.ref = "kobweb" }
#kobwebx-markdown = { id = "com.varabyte.kobwebx.markdown", version.ref = "kobweb" }
kotlin-multiplatform = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform", version.ref = "kotlin" }
multiplatform-resources = { id = "", version.ref = "multiplatform-resources" }
import com.varabyte.kobweb.gradle.application.util.configAsKobwebApplication
plugins {
// id("")
// alias(libs.plugins.kobwebx.markdown)
group = "com.ahmedhnewa.landing_page"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
kobweb {
app {
index {
description.set("Powered by Kobweb")
kotlin {
configAsKobwebApplication("landing_page", includeServer = false)
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
// api("dev.icerock.moko:resources:0.23.0")
// api("dev.icerock.moko:resources-compose:0.23.0") // for compose multiplatform
val jsMain by getting {
dependencies {
// implementation(libs.kobwebx.markdown)
// val jvmMain by getting {
// dependencies {
// implementation(libs.kobweb.api)
// }
// }
multiplatformResources {
multiplatformResourcesPackage = "com.ahmedhnewa.landing_page"
multiplatformResourcesClassName = "SharedRes" // optional, default MR
I want to use it only for js browser but I get this error
Execution failed for task ':site:compileKotlinJs'.
> A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.GradleCompilerRunnerWithWorkers$GradleKotlinCompilerWorkAction
> Compilation error. See log for more details
The generated SharedRes: Expected object 'SharedRes' has no actual declaration in module <com.ahmedhnewa.landing_page:site> for JS
package com.ahmedhnewa.alrayada_landing_page
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.AssetResource
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.ColorResource
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.FileResource
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.FontResource
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.ImageResource
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.PluralsResource
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.ResourceContainer
import dev.icerock.moko.resources.StringResource
public expect object SharedRes {
public object strings : ResourceContainer<StringResource> {
public val hello_world: StringResource
public object plurals : ResourceContainer<PluralsResource>
public object images : ResourceContainer<ImageResource>
public object fonts : ResourceContainer<FontResource>
public object files : ResourceContainer<FileResource>
public object colors : ResourceContainer<ColorResource>
public object assets : ResourceContainer<AssetResource>
same here downgrade Kotlin to 1.8.20 and Compose to 1.5.0 works here unfortunately, it affects another lib
same here downgrade Kotlin to 1.8.20 and Compose to 1.5.0 works here unfortunately, it affects another lib
I just created my own solution to localization. It's much better for kotlin and kmp with only the web, in my opinion, at least for strings
expect 1.9.0 support?
FYI as a workaround you can ensure that the sourcesets have dependsOn(commonMain)
and kotlin.srcDir("build/generated/moko/desktopMain/src")
where desktopMain is replaced with the appropriate directory to match the source set
fix in #575
will be fixed in 0.24.0, please check in 0.24.0-alpha-6
should be fixed in 0.24.0-beta-1