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A plugin to create entire Document structures with nested Backbone.js Models & Collections with deep model references and event bubbling.

Backbone-DocumentModel Build Status

A plugin to create entire Document structures with nested Backbone.js Models & Collections with deep model references and event bubbling.

The Document is simply a reference to the project's goal of allowing MongoDB Document JSON representation to be dynamically composed/referenced/updated and saved using native Backbone.js components.

Another Backbone.js plugin...

After working with document objects we kept running into a situation where we wanted to pass Model/Collection objects to our nested Backbone.Views, however this proved troublesome to keep track of changes made within those Views.

// Setup our Document Model object.
    name: {
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe'
    addresses: [
        { type: 'Shipping', city: 'Charlottesville', state: 'VA' },
        { type: 'Billing', city: 'Prescott', state: 'AZ' }

When making a new Backbone.View its common to pass in a Model or Collection, and it would be best practice to pass only the specific Model/Collection that the control needed.

var AddressModalView = Backbone.View.extend({
    events: {
        'click .save': 'onSave'
    render: function () {
        // code to render the template and output el for the dom.
    onSave: function () {
        if (this.model) {
            this.model.set('type', this.$el.find('.type').val());
            this.model.set('city', this.$el.find('.city').val());
            this.model.set('state', this.$el.find('.state').val());
        } else {
                type: this.$el.find('.type').val(),
                city: this.$el.find('.city').val(),
                state: this.$el.find('.state').val()

var UserView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function () {
        this.model.on('add:addresses', function () {
            alert('address added!'); // or save...
        }, this);

        this.model.on('remove:addresses', function () {
            alert('address removed!'); // or save...
        }, this);

        this.model.on('change:addresses.*', function () {
            alert('address changed!'); // or save...
        }, this);
    onAddAddress: function () {
        var addressModalView = new AddressModalView({ collection: this.model.get('addresses') });

        addressModalView.render();; // attach to el
    onEditAddress: function () {
        var addressModalView = new AddressModalView({ model: this.model.get('addresses').at(0) });

        addressModalView.render();; // attach to el
    onRemoveAddress: function () {


  1. Download the latest version here, and add backbone-documentmodel.js to your HTML <head>, after backbone.js is included.

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="underscore.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="backbone.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="backbone-documentmodel.js"></script>
  2. Change your models to extend from Backbone.DocumentModel, e.g.

    var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ ... });
    // becomes
    var Person = Backbone.DocumentModel.extend({ ... });
  3. Change your collections to extend from Backbone.DocumentCollection, e.g.

    var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({ ... });
    // becomes
    var People = Backbone.DocumentCollection.extend({ ... });

Nested Attributes & Document Composition

get() and set() will work as before, you can now reference deep model names and set() will also dynamically compose Document data into nested Models & Collections:



// object syntax - will generate entire Model/Collection nested objects.
// NOTE: be careful not to overwrite existing Collections as a set Array
//       will overwrite an existing Collection.
    name: {
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe',
        middle: {
            initial: 'Z'

user.get('name').get('middle').set('initial', 'Z');

// dot syntax - will create new Models and properties (not Collections).
// NOTE: dynamic Collection composition is not supported on array indicies,
//       however you can update an existing array item.
//       ex: '': 'Charlottesville'
    'name.first': 'John',
    'name.last': 'Doe',
    'name.middle.initial': 'Z'

user.get('name').set({ 'middle.initial': 'Z' });

// dynamic composition of Backbone Model [M], Collection [C] and Attribute [A]
// user [M]
//   - name [M]
//     - first [A]
//     - last [A]
//     - middle [M]
//       - initial [A]


// dot syntax
user.get('name.first'); // returns 'John'
user.get('name.middle.initial'); // returns 'Z'
user.get('name').get('middle.initial'); // returns 'Z'

// direct
user.get('name').get('first'); // returns 'John'
user.get('name').get('middle').get('initial'); // returns 'Z'



// object syntax - will generate entire Model/Collection nested objects.
// NOTE: be careful not to overwrite existing Collections as a set Array
//       will overwrite an existing Collection.
    addresses: [
        { city: 'Charlottesville', state: 'VA' },
        { city: 'Prescott', state: 'AZ' }

user.get('addresses').at(0).set('state', 'VA');
user.get('addresses').at(1).set({ state: 'AZ', city: 'Prescott' });

// dot syntax - will update existing Collection items, non-existing items are ignored.
// NOTE: dynamic Collection composition is not supported on array indicies,
//       however you can update an existing array item.
//       ex: '': 'Charlottesville'
user.set('addresses.0.state': 'VA');
user.set({ 'addresses.1.state': 'AZ', '': 'Prescott' });

// dynamic composition of Backbone Model [M], Collection [C] and Attribute [A]
// user [M]
//   - addresses [C]
//     - 0 [M]
//       - city [A]
//       - state [A]
//     - 1 [M]
//       - city [A]
//       - state [A]


// dot syntax
user.get('addresses.0.state') // returns 'VA'
user.get('') // returns 'Prescott'

// direct
user.get('addresses').at(0).get('state') // returns 'VA'
user.get('addresses').at(1).get('city') // returns 'Prescott'


toJSON will decompose the Document Model/Collection into a JSON object, ready for transport.

serverInput = {
    name: {
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe',
        middle: {
            initial: 'Z'
    addresses: [
        { city: 'Charlottesville', state: 'VA' },
        { city: 'Prescott', state: 'AZ' }
    items: [123, 456]


// dynamic composition of Backbone Model [M], Collection [C] and Attribute [A]
// user [M]
//   - name [M]
//     - first [A]
//     - last [A]
//     - middle [M]
//       - initial [A]
//   - addresses [C]
//     - 0 [M]
//       - city [A]
//       - state [A]
//     - 1 [M]
//       - city [A]
//       - state [A]
//   - items [C]
//     - 0 [M]
//       - value [A]
//     - 1 [M]
//       - value [A]

// Calling `toJSON` will retrieve the composed document JSON representation.
modelJSON = user.toJSON();

modelJSON = {
    name: {
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe',
        middle: {
            initial: 'Z'
    addresses: [
        { city: 'Charlottesville', state: 'VA' },
        { city: 'Prescott', state: 'AZ' }
    items: [123, 456]



"change" events can be bound to nested attributes in the same way, and changing nested attributes will fire up the chain:

// events fired 'name.middle.initial' is set or changed
user.get('name').get('middle').on('change:initial', function () { ... });
user.get('name').on('change:middle.initial', function () { ... });
user.on('change:name.middle.initial', function () { ... });

// all of these will fire when any address is added or changed
user.on('', function () { ... });
user.on('change:addresses.*', function () { ... });
user.on('change:*', function () { ... });

"add" and "remove"

Additionally, nested arrays fire "add" and "remove" events:

// add/remove (all names are regex evaluations)
user.on('add:addresses', function () { ... });
user.on('add:*', function () { ... });

user.on('remove:addresses', function () { ... });
user.on('remove:*', function () { ... });

Custom Models and Collections for nested values

If you need further control over what kind of Model & Collection objects get created for nested values, you can override the getNestedModel and / or getNestedCollection method of Backbone.DocumentModel subclasses. Both methods have the same signature:

// For nested models
getNestedModel(nestedKey, nestedValue, nestedOptions)

// For nested collections
getNestedCollection(nestedKey, nestedValue, nestedOptions)

The parameters:

  • nestedKey string: The name of the nested property.
  • nestedValue object: The value of this at nestedKey.
  • nestedOptions object: The constructor options for the resulting Model or Collection.

You should always return an instance of Backbone.DocumentModel or Backbone.DocumentCollection respectively. You should avoid modifications on any of the passed objects.

user = {
    name: {
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe',
        middle: {
            initial: 'Z'
    addresses: [
        { type: 'Shipping', city: 'Charlottesville', state: 'VA' },
        { type: 'Billing', city: 'Prescott', state: 'AZ' }
    items: [123, 456]

// The model for the 'name' object
Name = Backbone.DocumentModel.extend({
    getFullName: function () {
        return this.get('first').concat(' ', this.get('middle').get('initial'), ' ', this.get('last'));

// The model for items of 'adresses'
Address = Backbone.DocumentModel.extend({
    getFullAddress: function () {
        return this.get('city').concat(', ', this.get('state'));

// The 'adresses' collection
Addresses = Backbone.DocumentCollection({
    model: Address

// The 'user' object
User = Backbone.DocumentModel.extend({

    // For models
    getNestedModel: function (nestedKey, nestedValue, nestedOptions) {
        switch (nestedKey) {
            case 'name':
                return new Name(nestedKey, nestedValue, nestedOptions);
                return new Backbone.DocumentModel(nestedValue, nestedOptions);

    // For collections
    getNestedCollection: function (nestedKey, nestedValue, nestedOptions) {
        switch (nestedKey) {
            case 'addresses':
                return new Addresses(nestedValue, nestedOptions);
                return new Backbone.DocumentCollection(nestedValue, nestedOptions);

john = new User(user);

// John Z Doe

// Charlottesville, VA

If you want to create different Model objects for items in a DocumentCollection, refer to the Backbone.js docs. It's actually a core feature.



  • Fixes issue #7 nested array's toJSON() now returns the value.


  • Fixes issue #6 fully reference Object.prototype.toString since certain browser's do not resolve method.


  • Fixes issue #5 address wrapped primitives.


  • Fixes issue #4 properly handles nested arrays.


  • Added minimally altered backbone model/collection unit tests.
  • Added specific tests.
  • Updated backbone-documentmodel.js to pass unit tests.


  • Initial release!