
Results 44 issues of Iceman

Branch HITAG. The reader functions for Hitag2 signal collecting has been improved. The next steps involve rework the "reader" "writer" logic flow. Since we don't use that kind of flow...

The app Metrodroid, has its own json key format file. It would be nice if we could load/save to that format aswell Ref It has some features. "KeyType": "MifareClassic",...

Time to have some fun. - upload a APK file to flash mem - Standalone mode which sims and pushes the APK :)

In armsrc/utils.c , LED( x, x), it takes a flag. One change that happend was some LED defines became 1,2,3,4 and consequently used with LED(x,x) leading to the wastly bad...

As of the 14a speeds is limited to 106kbit/s There are up to total four speeds to support. 106 kbit/s, 212 kbit/s, 424 kbit/s, and 848 kbit/s

No sure what this attempt to log is doing, adds some extra to the logtrace, and sends with each logtrace call over usb. Don't see any client side which can...

New concept. Before we always try to read card and figure out what kind of tech it uses. We lack today a way of presenting the pm3 to a reader,...

use case scenario, 1. hook up device on usb, run 'hf mf sim u 11223344' device is now simulating 1k mifare. 2. turn on battery 3. unconnect usb device still...

The ever wait introduced for some commands is kind of disturbing the flow of taking the pm3 with bt add-on offline from client, go away , do simulating and come...

2 pm3, 2 BT add-ons , a new standalone mode to do relay-attacks. Maybe 14a based?