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example_vbwkde.cfg unable to be run through pipeline.py
When I try to run pipeline.py
with the example_vbwkde.cfg
I get the following error:
Stevens-MacBook-Pro-2:pisa steven$ python pisa/core/pipeline.py --pipeline pisa/resources/settings/pipeline/example_vbwkde.cfg --outdir OUTPUT/ProfileScans/MPHYS/ --png -v
PISA running in double precision (FP64) mode.
[ WARNING] Directory "OUTPUT/ProfileScans/MPHYS/" already exists
[ ERROR] Error occurred computing outputs in stage reco / service vbwkde ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pisa/core/pipeline.py", line 686, in <module>
pipeline, outputs = main(return_outputs=True) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
File "pisa/core/pipeline.py", line 598, in main
outputs = pipeline.get_outputs(idx=stop_idx)
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/profiler.py", line 92, in profiled_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "pisa/core/pipeline.py", line 261, in get_outputs
outputs = stage.get_outputs(inputs=inputs)
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/profiler.py", line 92, in profiled_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/core/stage.py", line 571, in get_outputs
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/profiler.py", line 92, in profiled_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/core/stage.py", line 470, in get_transforms
transforms = self._compute_transforms()
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/stages/reco/vbwkde.py", line 977, in _compute_transforms
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/stages/reco/vbwkde.py", line 1238, in characterize_resolutions
feature, weights=weights, **vbwkde_kwargs
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/vbwkde.py", line 282, in vbwkde
evaluate_dens=True, evaluate_at=None
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/vbwkde.py", line 163, in fbwkde
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/vbwkde.py", line 410, in isj_bandwidth
File "/Users/steven/.virtualenv/standard/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/zeros.py", line 438, in brentq
r = _zeros._brentq(f,a,b,xtol,rtol,maxiter,args,full_output,disp)
File "/Users/steven/IceCube/PISA/pisa/pisa/utils/vbwkde.py", line 538, in fixed_point_numba_loops
k0 = _K0[s]
IndexError: index 6 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 5
Seems to me to be not so much an error with that particular cfg
as it is with the vbwkde itself.
It appears to run fine now (but needs a file with more events, though the error that occurs with fewer events is not the above). Not sure what's changed since this bug was filed... if you get a chance, please try again (and I'll give you a sufficiently large events file to try out ... needs to be ~1e4 events).
closing since it didn't seem to bother anyone for years now..