IceChat copied to clipboard
IceChat IRC Client
IceChat IRC Client v9
IceChat is an open source IRC Client written in C# using WinForms.
It has been fully released, but always undergoing development and improvements.
It is RFC 1459 Compliant.
The primary website for IceChat is and has a wiki page set up at
The main help channel is on #icechat at
IceChat 9.5 uses .NET Framework v4.5.2 by default.
Building from Source Code
Download the latest source code from the page, by clicking on the Download Zip button.
Unzip the file into any folder, for example a dedicated "C:\IceChatBuild". It is best not to use the %CommonProgramFiles%, because of permissions possible limitations.
The source tree has several text files in its root folder, a build folder and a src, where the actual code and resources are located in several sub-folders. There are several build options in the extracted root folder.
- which uses .NET 4.5.
- which uses .NET 4.5 and a specific project for x86 - 32bit computers.
- which uses .NET 4.7.1
- A script to build IceChat 9 under Linux. See IceChat on Linux for details.
You will get at the end of the process the following lines:
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.32
1 File(s) copied
1 File(s) copied
1 File(s) copied
1 File(s) copied
IceChat files copied to the IceChatBuild folder
Press any key to continue . . .
A new folder is created called IceChatBuild, and once the batch file has completed, 4 files will be placed in this folder. A log file named Manual_MSBuild_ReleaseVersion_LOG.log is also created.
Copy these 4 files into your IceChat installation folder, or place them anywhere else you want.
To see all the changes from build to build, read the changelog.txt file in the root folder.