vue-touch-keyboard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-touch-keyboard copied to clipboard

Can't set alternative layout

Open slowdream opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

    <input type="text" placeholder="Text input" @focus="show" data-layout="normal" />
    <vue-touch-keyboard v-if="visible" :layout="layout" :cancel="hide" :accept="accept" :input="input" />


  import layoutRu from "@/components/parts/keyboard-layout-ru"; // load default style

  export default {
    name: 'keyboard',
    data () {
      return {
        visible: false,
        layout: layoutRu,
        input: null,
        options: {
          useKbEvents: false


module.exports = {

	"normal": {

		_meta: {
			"tab": { key: "\t", text: "Tab", width: 60, classes: "control"},
			"shiftl": { keySet: "shifted", text: "Shift", width: 100, classes: "control"},
			"shiftr": { keySet: "shifted", text: "Shift", width: 100, classes: "control"},
			"caps": { keySet: "capsed", text: "Caps lock", width: 80, classes: "control"},
			"space": { key: " ", text: "Space", width: 180},
			"enter": { key: "\r\n", text: "Enter", width: 80, classes: "control"},
			"backspace": { func: "backspace", classes: "control backspace", width: 65},
			"accept": { func: "accept", text: "Close", classes: "control featured"},
			"next": { func: "next", text: "Next", classes: "control featured"}

		default: [
			"` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {backspace}",
			"{tab} й ц у к е н г ш щ з х ъ \\",
			"{caps} ф ы в а п р о л д ж э {enter}",
			"{shiftl} я ч с м и т ь б ю . {shiftr}",
			"{next} {space} , {accept}"
		shifted: [
			"~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {backspace}",
			"{tab} Й Ц У К Е Н Г Ш Щ З Х Ъ |",
			"{caps} Ф Ы В А П Р О Л Д Ж Э {enter}",
			"{shiftl} Я Ч С М И Т Ь Б Ю . {shiftr}",
			"{next} {space} , {accept}"
		capsed: [
			"` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {backspace}",
			"{tab} Й Ц У К Е Н Г Ш Щ З Х Ъ |",
			"{caps} Ф Ы В А П Р О Л Д Ж Э {enter}",
			"{shiftl} Я Ч С М И Т Ь Б Ю . {shiftr}",
			"{next} {space} , {accept}"

	"compact": {

		_meta: {
			"default": { keySet: "default", text: "abc", classes: "control"},
			"alpha": { keySet: "default", text: "Abc", classes: "control"},
			"shift": { keySet: "shifted", text: "ABC", classes: "control"},
			"numbers": { keySet: "numbers", text: "123", classes: "control"},
			"space": { key: " ", text: "Space", width: 200},
			"backspace": { func: "backspace", classes: "control"},
			"accept": { func: "accept", text: "Close", classes: "control featured"},
			"next": { func: "next", text: "Next", classes: "featured"},
			"zero": { key: "0", width: 130}

		default: [
			"й ц у к е н г ш щ з х ъ",
			" ф ы в а п р о л д ж э ",
			"{shift} я ч с м и т ь б ю {backspace}",
			"{numbers} , {space} . {next} {accept}"

		shifted: [
			"Й Ц У К Е Н Г Ш Щ З Х Ъ",
			" Ф Ы В А П Р О Л Д Ж Э ",
			"{default} Я Ч С М И Т Ь Б Ю ",
			"{numbers} _ {space} {backspace} {next} {accept}"

		numbers: [
			"1 2 3",
			"4 5 6",
			"7 8 9",
			"  {alpha} . {zero} {backspace} {next} {accept}"

	"numeric": {

		_meta: {
			"backspace": { func: "backspace", classes: "control"},
			"accept": { func: "accept", text: "Close", classes: "control featured"},
			"next": { func: "next", text: "Next", classes: "control featured"},
			"zero": { key: "0", width: 130}

		default: [
			"1 2 3",
			"4 5 6",
			"7 8 9",
			"_ - . {zero} {backspace} {next} {accept}"


slowdream avatar Aug 26 '17 14:08 slowdream

Should be:

import layoutRu from "@/components/parts/keyboard-layout-ru"; // load default style

  export default {
    name: 'keyboard',
    data () {
      return {
        visible: false,
        layout: layoutRu.normal,  //or layoutRu.compact or layoutRu.numeric
        input: null,
        options: {
          useKbEvents: false

reals79 avatar Feb 16 '18 13:02 reals79

thanks @reals79 !!

using vue with webpack (Laravel Mix)

let LayoutPt = require('./../../../../components/infrastructure/vue-touch-keyboard/layoutPt');


window.Laravel.vm = new Vue({
    el: '#app',


keyboard: {
            enabled: false,
            visible: false,
            layout: "numeric",
            layoutPt: LayoutPt,
            input: null,
            options: {
                useKbEvents: false

later on.. decide the layout from the vueData

            this.keyboard.input =;
            // this.keyboard.layout =;
            this.keyboard.layout = this.keyboard.layoutPt.numeric;

            if (!this.keyboard.visible && this.keyboard.enabled) this.keyboard.visible = true


ijpatricio avatar Mar 16 '18 17:03 ijpatricio

@ijpatricio did you managed to implement accented characters in the PT keyboard?

viniciusdeliz avatar Feb 01 '22 18:02 viniciusdeliz

Hello @viniciusdeliz

Ouuf it was so long time ago, I can't even remember, sorry 😓

From the comment I put here it seems that's the way to do it.. Copy the source file from the package to somewhere in your project, import it and provide it on the configuration.

ijpatricio avatar Feb 02 '22 17:02 ijpatricio