I am having trouble executing the makefile. The following is the output of `make`. Also trying `make run-cpp-notebook` yields a similar error. ``` info: downloading component 'lean' error: binary package...
I am using `pde_separate_mul` to solve some problems in electrodynamics. However, the function sometimes just returns nothing without giving an error or warning. Here's a code example: ``` import sympy...
Minimal example: ```python import sympy as sp δ = sp.DiracDelta x = sp.symbols('x', positive=True) u = δ(x-1) with sp.assuming(sp.Q.positive(x-1)): print(u) ``` The output is still $\delta(x-1)$ when it is expected...
When I try to use `PlotTracker` to keep plotting the state of the pde over time on a Jupyter notebook, it only shows the first plot. I am on version...
I am on Kubuntu 22.04 and tried to use this tool for the D110 model using Python 3.11. Initially, it connects just fine to the Bluetooth, but when I try...
I installed the version 0.2.0 of jekyll-figure and got this error while trying to serve the site locally: ``` Liquid Exception: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass in /home//Documents/notes/_posts/2024-03-02-ecg.md /mnt/secondary/cache/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/gems/jekyll-figure-0.2.0/lib/utils.rb:42:in `print_reference':...
Changed code to not check for FLoatTensor or LongTensor since tehy are used for compatibility.
This change allows the user to select which device to use for the calls to `sounddevice.play`. It can be set as an extra option in the `glados_config.yml` file like so:...