hassio-plejd copied to clipboard
Add experimental parsing for color temp support from Plejd API
Plejd supports color temperature setting on top of dimming.
This PR is an experimental first step to try to implement support.
Expected functionality
- Color temperature-capable devices show up as such in Home Assistant
- It is possible to set color temp in the correctly supported range from HA
- Nothing happens when setting color temp
Help needed
I don't personally own any color temperature capable Plejd devices, so I will need logs from the silly level minimally showing
- Site JSON response (remove sensitive info)
- Discovery phase
- Setting values in HA with resulting MQTT messages and parsing of those
- Logs uploaded as files to not spam chat too much
Remaining steps
- Verify parsing of
- Verify that MQTT discovery to HA is correct and that devices are registered correctly
- View and parse MQTT messages from HA setting state including color temperature
- Implement new BLE commands to support color temperature
Hi @SweVictor , did you get any logs?
I have DWN-01 now and dimming doesnt work. Would be super nice if we could fix that?
Hej! @SweVictor
I would love to help you with this as I own some. But not sure how to get these.
- Site JSON response (remove sensitive info)
- Discovery phase
- Setting values in HA with resulting MQTT messages and parsing of those
Could you guide me some more?
I hope this is what you need. plejd.log
I hope this is what you need. plejd.log
Seems like you found the log at least!
Just to double-check - are you running the code from the branch with the try to implement support? If you run the main release I don't think it's supposed to work.
If yes, please clarify when you did what that didn't work (preferably with timestamps in the log). As in
At 2024-08-16 09:20:39 I clicked on and then off in HA Nothing/something/xyz happened to the light At 2024-08-16 09:21:41 I changed dim level to xyz YYZ happened to the light (or similar, basically trying to show what's working and not and if it's matching "expected functionality" in this PR)
I hope this is what you need. plejd.log
Seems like you found the log at least!
Just to double-check - are you running the code from the branch with the try to implement support? If you run the main release I don't think it's supposed to work.
If yes, please clarify when you did what that didn't work (preferably with timestamps in the log). As in
At 2024-08-16 09:20:39 I clicked on and then off in HA Nothing/something/xyz happened to the light At 2024-08-16 09:21:41 I changed dim level to xyz YYZ happened to the light (or similar, basically trying to show what's working and not and if it's matching "expected functionality" in this PR)
aaah, yeah I was running the main release.
I was fiddling with this today and managed to install hassio-plejd-feature-DWN-dimmable-fix and testing that out. Dimming seem to work for DWN-01 now which is good. I can install the hassio-plejd-feature-experimental-color-temp and test during the weekend.
Turned ON Kökgång at
2024-08-22 09:42:14 DBG [plejd-ble] Kökgång
and lights turned on
turned OFF at 2024-08-22 09:50:11 and it turned OFF
changed dim level to 100% for Köksö at 2024-08-22 09:52:07 and it dimmed
tried to change color in HA tried_to_change_color.txt
Thanks @seagri! So... Is it working as expected in the "expected functionality" section in the first post? If not, what's not working as you expect it to?
The dimming works but not changing the color.
Is the logs OK or should I do something else?
I trying to click 1 of the 4 color buttons in HA and getting this ` 2024-09-05 13:27:47 VRB [plejd-mqtt] Received mqtt message on homeassistant/light/plejd/D4DBAE3BA354_0/set
2024-09-05 13:27:47 VRB [plejd-mqtt] Getting device D4DBAE3BA354_0 from registry 2024-09-05 13:27:47 VRB [plejd-mqtt] Got mqtt SET command for light, Entré (D4DBAE3BA354_0): {"state":"ON","color_temp":454} 2024-09-05 13:27:47 INF [device-comm] Plejd got turn on command for Entré (D4DBAE3BA354_0), brightness undefined 2024-09-05 13:27:47 DBG [device-comm] Queueing turn on Entré (D4DBAE3BA354_0). No brightness specified, setting DIM to previous. 2024-09-05 13:27:48 DBG [device-comm] Write queue: Processing Entré (D4DBAE3BA354_0). Command Turn on. Total queue length: 0 2024-09-05 13:27:48 VRB [plejd-ble] Sending 6 byte(s) of data to Plejd. 130110009701 `
But nothing happens with the light.