Results 10 comments of ibXCM

Hi,Boris Thanks for your reply,I‘ll check it now Thanks & Best Regards wade Boris Skegin 于2020年9月17日周四 下午2:30写道: > First try to undersrtand if this issue is EtherCAT specific or if...

Hi,Boris Thanks ,I'll go to the linuxcnc forum for help. Thanks wade Boris Skegin 于2020年9月15日周二 下午12:49写道: > This error message has nothing to do with linuxcnc-ethercat. > Try https://forum.linuxcnc.org/ instead...

Hi Boris This is the Error message When I run linuxcnc with my config. Starting LinuxCNC... Found file(REL): ./cpd17_x.hal Note: Using POSIX realtime ./cpd17_x.hal:24: Pin 'lcec.0.2.dout-0' does not exist ..........

Hi Boris The following is my cpd17_x.hal loadusr -W lcec_conf ethercat-conf_X.xml loadrt lcec loadrt trivkins loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES loadrt not count=1 #----------------------------------------------------------- addf lcec.read-all servo-thread addf motion-command-handler servo-thread...

Hi,Boris I only use one servo to be my Ethercat slave,and I want to make the Y 、Z axis to be virtual。How should I modify my config? Thanks & Best...

Hi,Boris Thanks a million。 I’ll try it now。 Thanks & Best Regards Wade Boris Skegin 于2020年9月11日周五 下午2:04写道: > If you have only 1 master and only 1 slave, then try...

Hi,Boris I chenged my .hal like this ,but still have Error messages *****************************cpd17_x.hal*************************************** # Erstellt von stepconf am Tue Jul 16 23:06:39 2013 # Änderungen an dieser Datei werden beim...

Hi,Boris Thanks Thanks & Best Regards Wade Boris Skegin 于2020年9月11日周五 下午5:42写道: > You have to read more about HAL script language, for instance, how to load > a thread. >...

Hi, Boris I've see the url you send me, and it's very useful. I've translate it to our language and share it to my friends. Thanks & Best Regards Wade...

I‘ve download some examples from others。 Thanks Boris Skegin 于2020年8月31日周一 下午3:54写道: > Consult the manual of your slave. Normally there would be some > configuration examples. > > — >...