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The 'Send window to space' feature and cross-display issue

Open jheroy opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Describe the bug If the target space is on a different display and is not the current space, the window will only be sent to the current space on that display. It requires pressing the key again to take effect. For example, I have two displays, Display 1 and Display 2, with three spaces. Display 1 has Space 1, and Display 2 has Space 2 and Space 3. The current space is Space 1, and there is a window on Space 1. When I press the 'Send window to Space 3' key, the focus switches to Display 2, but the window remains on Space 2. I need to press the key again to send the window to Space 3.

Applications: all


  • macOS: 13.3.1(a)
  • Amethyst: 0.20.0b(104)

jheroy avatar Jul 19 '23 00:07 jheroy