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v16 - Sending focused window to left or right space on secondary screen will move the window to the main display

Open juzuze opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Describe the bug when using multiple monitors when I try and send the focused window to the left / right space it instead sends the focused window to the main display, then the space moves to the right / left

expected result

  • focused window moves to the left / right space relative to its current focused space

actual result

  • focused window is sent to primary monitor and space is shifted to the right / left (doesn't take the focused window with it)

To Reproduce

  • on a second screen use the keyboard shortcut to sent to right / left space


  • macOS: 12.5.1 (M1)
  • Amethyst: v16.0

Debug Info

Version: 0.16.0 (94)

OS version: Version 12.5.1 (Build 21G83)

	(0.0, 0.0, 3440.0, 1440.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 3440.0, 1440.0)]
	(-1280.0, 0.0, 1280.0, 800.0) [(-1280.0, 640.0, 1280.0, 800.0)]

window-margin-size: 4
ignore-menu-bar: 0
floating: (
        id = "";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.authy.authy-mac";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "";
        "window-titles" =         (
focus-follows-mouse: 0
mod1: (
layouts: (
screen-padding-left: 0
use-canary-build: 1
floating-is-blacklist: 1
window-minimum-width: 0
mouse-swaps-windows: 0
mouse-follows-focus: 1
mouse-resizes-windows: 1
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
float-small-windows: 1
screen-padding-right: 0
window-resize-step: 5
window-minimum-height: 0
enables-layout-hud: 1
window-margins: 1
mod2: (
debug-layout-info: 1
screen-padding-bottom: 0
restore-layouts-on-launch: 0
smart-window-margins: 1
screen-padding-top: 0
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 0
new-windows-to-main: 0

Note: --include-apps will list your manageable applications, but is optional if you don't want to list that.

juzuze avatar Sep 05 '22 04:09 juzuze

I'm having the same issue.

JordyScript avatar Sep 10 '22 15:09 JordyScript

Unchecking Mission Control -> Displays have separate Spaces and relogging is a workaround, though not ideal. I like having separate spaces for each display.

OneHoopyFrood avatar Sep 14 '22 17:09 OneHoopyFrood

Addressed in #1408

ianyh avatar Feb 07 '23 01:02 ianyh