Amethyst icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Amethyst copied to clipboard

Amethyst keeps crashing w/o warning

Open jasikpark opened this issue 2 years ago • 20 comments

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Day to day I keep having Amethyst randomly quit on me with no indication that it died but that my windows don't reflow.

Applications: What applications are involved?

Zoom, Firefox, Slack, Therm, Spark,,

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Use Amethyst day to day? Sorry for the lack of specific info here, I'll try to update this as I can.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

I expected Amethyst to not die, or maybe give me a log explaining that it crashed.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


  • macOS: 12.0.1
  • Amethyst: 0.15.5

Debug Info

$ /Applications/ --debug-info
Version: 0.15.5 (92)

OS version: Version 12.0.1 (Build 21A559)

	(0.0, 0.0, 1440.0, 900.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 1440.0, 900.0)]

window-minimum-height: 0
window-margins: 1
window-minimum-width: 0
window-margin-size: 7
layouts: (
screen-padding-right: 30
focus-follows-mouse: 0
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 1
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
restore-layouts-on-launch: 1
mouse-follows-focus: 0
floating-is-blacklist: 1
debug-layout-info: 0
floating: (
        id = "";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.agilebits.onepassword7";
        "window-titles" =         (
        id = "com.IdeaPunch.ColorSlurp";
        "window-titles" =         (
screen-padding-top: 0
screen-padding-left: 0
float-small-windows: 1
enables-layout-hud: 1
ignore-menu-bar: 0
window-resize-step: 5
use-canary-build: 0
mod2: (
new-windows-to-main: 0
screen-padding-bottom: 0
mod1: (

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

jasikpark avatar Jan 04 '22 19:01 jasikpark

I don't know if it's the same crash, but here's a crash report for what I keep seeing (you can get yours from the Console app):

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               Amethyst [35383]
Path:                  /Applications/
Identifier:            com.amethyst.Amethyst
Version:               0.15.5 (92)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               31996

Date/Time:             2022-01-24 08:44:02.7808 -0800
OS Version:            macOS 12.1 (21C52)
Report Version:        12
Bridge OS Version:     6.1 (19P647)
Anonymous UUID:        30AA76D0-3CC7-6773-EF5B-6236EA5C5677

Sleep/Wake UUID:       97BB4402-2FE0-49D9-B1CF-0962CFC90258

Time Awake Since Boot: 640000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       2654 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000010
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000010
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process:   exc handler [35383]

VM Region Info: 0x10 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4555837424
      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      __TEXT                      10f8c9000-10f955000    [  560K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  ...acOS/Amethyst

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   Silica                        	       0x10faded80 observerCallback + 64
1   HIServices                    	    0x7ff81532c3c6 _XXMIGPostNotification + 833
2   HIServices                    	    0x7ff81535369f _XPostNotification + 355
3   HIServices                    	    0x7ff81530fa69 mshMIGPerform + 182
4   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d80aa __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41
5   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d7f86 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 619
6   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d65fb __CFRunLoopRun + 2397
7   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d55dd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 563
8   HIToolbox                     	    0x7ff8185084f1 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
9   HIToolbox                     	    0x7ff818508118 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 284
10  HIToolbox                     	    0x7ff818507fe5 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 70
11  AppKit                        	    0x7ff812304b4c _DPSNextEvent + 886
12  AppKit                        	    0x7ff8123031b8 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1411
13  AppKit                        	    0x7ff8122f55a9 -[NSApplication run] + 586
14  AppKit                        	    0x7ff8122c9447 NSApplicationMain + 816
15  Amethyst                      	       0x10f8cc888 0x10f8c9000 + 14472
16  dyld                          	       0x11353c4fe start + 462

Thread 1::
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	    0x7ff80f7d3aba mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	    0x7ff80f7d3e2b mach_msg + 59
2   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d7af2 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 319
3   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d61cb __CFRunLoopRun + 1325
4   CoreFoundation                	    0x7ff80f8d55dd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 563
5   AppKit                        	    0x7ff812472d98 _NSEventThread + 132
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f8104f4 _pthread_start + 125
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80c00f thread_start + 15

Thread 2:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 3:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 4:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 5:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 6:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 7:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 8:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 9:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 10:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 11:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	    0x7ff80f80bfec start_wqthread + 0

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
  rax: 0x0000600002c563a0  rbx: 0x0000600002c563a0  rcx: 0x00000000ff000000  rdx: 0x0000600003f41950
  rdi: 0x0000000000000000  rsi: 0x0000600002c563a0  rbp: 0x00007ff7b06341a0  rsp: 0x00007ff7b0634180
   r8: 0x0000d4b2ef7163a0   r9: 0x0000000000000003  r10: 0x000000010fae4e38  r11: 0x000000010fade6cb
  r12: 0x0000600003f41950  r13: 0xaba44bf39980f4f1  r14: 0x0000600003f41950  r15: 0x0000000000000000
  rip: 0x000000010faded80  rfl: 0x0000000000010206  cr2: 0x0000000000000010
Logical CPU:     6
Error Code:      0x00000004 (no mapping for user data read)
Trap Number:     14

Thread 0 instruction stream:
  48 8b 00 48 3b 45 d0 75-12 48 81 c4 f8 01 00 00  H..H;E.u.H......
  5b 41 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41-5f 5d c3 e8 c6 2d 00 00  [A\A]A^A_]...-..
  55 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56-53 50 49 89 f6 48 89 cf  UH..AWAVSPI..H..
  e8 0b 2e 00 00 49 89 c7-48 8b 3d 61 5e 00 00 e8  .....I..H.=a^...
  cc 2d 00 00 48 8b 35 4d-5b 00 00 48 89 c7 4c 89  .-..H.5M[..H..L.
  f2 ff 15 f9 42 00 00 48-89 c3 4c 89 ff 48 89 c6  ....B..H..L..H..
 [41]ff 57 10 4c 8b 35 ed-42 00 00 48 89 df 41 ff  A.W.L.5.B..H..A.	<==
  d6 4c 89 ff 4c 89 f0 48-83 c4 08 5b 41 5e 41 5f  .L..L..H...[A^A_
  5d ff e0 55 48 89 e5 41-57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53  ]..UH..AWAVAUATS
  48 83 ec 28 4c 89 c3 49-89 d7 49 89 fe 4c 8b 2d  H..(L..I..I..L.-
  bc 42 00 00 48 89 cf 41-ff d5 49 89 c4 48 89 df  .B..H..A..I..H..
  41 ff d5 49 89 c5 48 8b-1d 4b 5b 00 00 4c 89 75  A..I..H..K[..L.u

Binary Images:
       0x10fadb000 -        0x10fae2fff org.cocoapods.Silica (0.3.2) <a893a083-cdb7-3c73-9553-969ec6e897b0> /Applications/
    0x7ff815305000 -     0x7ff815360fff (1.22) <d8b67d06-a916-3e96-969f-6667a640b18a> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
    0x7ff80f857000 -     0x7ff80fd59fff (6.9) <eab0e216-2a9e-31ce-9164-fdf3ebcf7bd3> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x7ff8184d6000 -     0x7ff8187cdfff (2.1.1) <535dbc28-4d26-3609-86bb-5c40227b648c> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    0x7ff8122c6000 -     0x7ff813154fff (6.9) <d23b9681-3764-3298-a716-fbb511dd5a7c> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
       0x10f8c9000 -        0x10f954fff com.amethyst.Amethyst (0.15.5) <1626f320-9d4a-37f1-a1ef-dab4744f2a2e> /Applications/
       0x113537000 -        0x1135a2fff dyld (*) <cef5a27a-d50b-3020-af03-1734b19bc8c5> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x7ff80f7d3000 -     0x7ff80f809fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (*) <5aa1e5be-b5b8-3a02-9885-a8c99e0ca378> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x7ff80f80a000 -     0x7ff80f815fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (*) <6c7561b4-4b92-3f45-921e-abe669299844> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
               0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? (*) <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ???

External Modification Summary:
  Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by all processes on this machine:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=1.1G resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=1.1G(100%)
Writable regions: Total=2.3G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2.3G(100%)

                                VIRTUAL   REGION 
REGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced) 
===========                     =======  ======= 
Accelerate framework               640K        5 
Activity Tracing                   256K        1 
CG image                            48K        4 
ColorSync                          224K       25 
CoreAnimation                      648K       14 
CoreGraphics                        20K        4 
CoreUI image data                   36K        2 
Foundation                          16K        1 
Kernel Alloc Once                    8K        1 
MALLOC                           400.4M       99 
MALLOC guard page                   48K       11 
MALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved)           1.5G       13         reserved VM address space (unallocated)
MALLOC_NANO (reserved)           384.0M        1         reserved VM address space (unallocated)
SQLite page cache                   64K        1 
STACK GUARD                       56.0M       12 
Stack                             13.6M       12 
VM_ALLOCATE                        168K       17 
__DATA                            28.1M      477 
__DATA_CONST                      27.9M      307 
__DATA_DIRTY                      1521K      197 
__FONT_DATA                          4K        1 
__LINKEDIT                       645.5M       23 
__OBJC_RO                         81.8M        1 
__OBJC_RW                         3136K        2 
__TEXT                           456.7M      496 
__UNICODE                          588K        1 
dyld private memory               1024K        1 
mapped file                      141.3M       22 
shared memory                      772K       16 
===========                     =======  ======= 
TOTAL                              3.7G     1767 
TOTAL, minus reserved VM space     1.8G     1767 

Full Report

{"app_name":"Amethyst","timestamp":"2022-01-24 08:44:03.00 -0800","app_version":"0.15.5","slice_uuid":"1626f320-9d4a-37f1-a1ef-dab4744f2a2e","build_version":"92","platform":1,"bundleID":"com.amethyst.Amethyst","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"macOS 12.1 (21C52)","incident_id":"E85153F4-5668-476E-99C8-E36C13C461C1","name":"Amethyst"}
  "uptime" : 640000,
  "procLaunch" : "2022-01-20 17:23:27.0247 -0800",
  "procRole" : "Default",
  "version" : 2,
  "userID" : 31996,
  "deployVersion" : 210,
  "modelCode" : "iMacPro1,1",
  "procStartAbsTime" : 585439422845690,
  "coalitionID" : 1578,
  "osVersion" : {
    "train" : "macOS 12.1",
    "build" : "21C52",
    "releaseType" : "User"
  "captureTime" : "2022-01-24 08:44:02.7808 -0800",
  "incident" : "E85153F4-5668-476E-99C8-E36C13C461C1",
  "bug_type" : "309",
  "pid" : 35383,
  "procExitAbsTime" : 646906411891493,
  "cpuType" : "X86-64",
  "procName" : "Amethyst",
  "procPath" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/MacOS\/Amethyst",
  "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"0.15.5","CFBundleVersion":"92","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.amethyst.Amethyst"},
  "storeInfo" : {"deviceIdentifierForVendor":"4FE74217-A9DD-55BB-A038-0B93A71276BD","thirdParty":true},
  "parentProc" : "launchd",
  "parentPid" : 1,
  "coalitionName" : "com.amethyst.Amethyst",
  "crashReporterKey" : "30AA76D0-3CC7-6773-EF5B-6236EA5C5677",
  "responsiblePid" : 22609,
  "wakeTime" : 2654,
  "bridgeVersion" : {"build":"19P647","train":"6.1"},
  "sleepWakeUUID" : "97BB4402-2FE0-49D9-B1CF-0962CFC90258",
  "sip" : "enabled",
  "vmRegionInfo" : "0x10 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4555837424\n      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT\/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL\n      UNUSED SPACE AT START\n--->  \n      __TEXT                      10f8c9000-10f955000    [  560K] r-x\/r-x SM=COW  ...acOS\/Amethyst",
  "isCorpse" : 1,
  "exception" : {"codes":"0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000010","rawCodes":[1,16],"type":"EXC_BAD_ACCESS","signal":"SIGSEGV","subtype":"KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000010"},
  "termination" : {"flags":0,"code":11,"namespace":"SIGNAL","indicator":"Segmentation fault: 11","byProc":"exc handler","byPid":35383},
  "vmregioninfo" : "0x10 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4555837424\n      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT\/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL\n      UNUSED SPACE AT START\n--->  \n      __TEXT                      10f8c9000-10f955000    [  560K] r-x\/r-x SM=COW  ...acOS\/Amethyst",
  "extMods" : {"caller":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"system":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"targeted":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"warnings":0},
  "faultingThread" : 0,
  "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":11300684,"instructionState":{"instructionStream":{"bytes":[72,139,0,72,59,69,208,117,18,72,129,196,248,1,0,0,91,65,92,65,93,65,94,65,95,93,195,232,198,45,0,0,85,72,137,229,65,87,65,86,83,80,73,137,246,72,137,207,232,11,46,0,0,73,137,199,72,139,61,97,94,0,0,232,204,45,0,0,72,139,53,77,91,0,0,72,137,199,76,137,242,255,21,249,66,0,0,72,137,195,76,137,255,72,137,198,65,255,87,16,76,139,53,237,66,0,0,72,137,223,65,255,214,76,137,255,76,137,240,72,131,196,8,91,65,94,65,95,93,255,224,85,72,137,229,65,87,65,86,65,85,65,84,83,72,131,236,40,76,137,195,73,137,215,73,137,254,76,139,45,188,66,0,0,72,137,207,65,255,213,73,137,196,72,137,223,65,255,213,73,137,197,72,139,29,75,91,0,0,76,137,117],"offset":96}},"threadState":{"r13":{"value":12368093986290726129},"rax":{"value":105553162757024},"rflags":{"value":66054},"cpu":{"value":6},"r14":{"value":105553182595408},"rsi":{"value":105553162757024},"r8":{"value":233864986452896},"cr2":{"value":16},"rdx":{"value":105553182595408},"r10":{"value":4558048824,"symbolLocation":0,"symbol":"OBJC_CLASS_$_SIWindow"},"r9":{"value":3},"r15":{"value":0},"rbx":{"value":105553162757024},"trap":{"value":14,"description":"(no mapping for user data read)"},"err":{"value":4},"r11":{"value":4558022347,"symbolLocation":0,"symbol":"-[SIAccessibilityElement setAxElementRef:]"},"rip":{"value":4558024064,"matchesCrashFrame":1},"rbp":{"value":140701792944544},"rsp":{"value":140701792944512},"r12":{"value":105553182595408},"rcx":{"value":4278190080},"flavor":"x86_THREAD_STATE","rdi":{"value":0}},"queue":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":15744,"symbol":"observerCallback","symbolLocation":64,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":160710,"symbol":"_XXMIGPostNotification","symbolLocation":833,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":321183,"symbol":"_XPostNotification","symbolLocation":355,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":43625,"symbol":"mshMIGPerform","symbolLocation":182,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":528554,"symbol":"__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__","symbolLocation":41,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":528262,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopDoSource1","symbolLocation":619,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":521723,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopRun","symbolLocation":2397,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":517597,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRunSpecific","symbolLocation":563,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":206065,"symbol":"RunCurrentEventLoopInMode","symbolLocation":292,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":205080,"symbol":"ReceiveNextEventCommon","symbolLocation":284,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":204773,"symbol":"_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter","symbolLocation":70,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":256844,"symbol":"_DPSNextEvent","symbolLocation":886,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":250296,"symbol":"-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]","symbolLocation":1411,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":193961,"symbol":"-[NSApplication run]","symbolLocation":586,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":13383,"symbol":"NSApplicationMain","symbolLocation":816,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":14472,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":21758,"symbol":"start","symbolLocation":462,"imageIndex":6}]},{"id":11300729,"name":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":2746,"symbol":"mach_msg_trap","symbolLocation":10,"imageIndex":7},{"imageOffset":3627,"symbol":"mach_msg","symbolLocation":59,"imageIndex":7},{"imageOffset":527090,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort","symbolLocation":319,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":520651,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopRun","symbolLocation":1325,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":517597,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRunSpecific","symbolLocation":563,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":1756568,"symbol":"_NSEventThread","symbolLocation":132,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":25844,"symbol":"_pthread_start","symbolLocation":125,"imageIndex":8},{"imageOffset":8207,"symbol":"thread_start","symbolLocation":15,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551054,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551576,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551577,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551818,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551819,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551820,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551821,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551822,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551877,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":12551878,"frames":[{"imageOffset":8172,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":8}]}],
  "usedImages" : [
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 4558008320,
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "0.3.2",
    "CFBundleIdentifier" : "org.cocoapods.Silica",
    "size" : 32768,
    "uuid" : "a893a083-cdb7-3c73-9553-969ec6e897b0",
    "path" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/Frameworks\/Silica.framework\/Versions\/A\/Silica",
    "name" : "Silica",
    "CFBundleVersion" : "1"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 140703484104704,
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "1.22",
    "CFBundleIdentifier" : "",
    "size" : 376832,
    "uuid" : "d8b67d06-a916-3e96-969f-6667a640b18a",
    "path" : "\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/ApplicationServices.framework\/Versions\/A\/Frameworks\/HIServices.framework\/Versions\/A\/HIServices",
    "name" : "HIServices"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64h",
    "base" : 140703389020160,
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "6.9",
    "CFBundleIdentifier" : "",
    "size" : 5255168,
    "uuid" : "eab0e216-2a9e-31ce-9164-fdf3ebcf7bd3",
    "path" : "\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/CoreFoundation.framework\/Versions\/A\/CoreFoundation",
    "name" : "CoreFoundation",
    "CFBundleVersion" : "1856.105"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 140703536340992,
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "2.1.1",
    "CFBundleIdentifier" : "",
    "size" : 3112960,
    "uuid" : "535dbc28-4d26-3609-86bb-5c40227b648c",
    "path" : "\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/Carbon.framework\/Versions\/A\/Frameworks\/HIToolbox.framework\/Versions\/A\/HIToolbox",
    "name" : "HIToolbox"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 140703433515008,
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "6.9",
    "CFBundleIdentifier" : "",
    "size" : 15265792,
    "uuid" : "d23b9681-3764-3298-a716-fbb511dd5a7c",
    "path" : "\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/AppKit.framework\/Versions\/C\/AppKit",
    "name" : "AppKit",
    "CFBundleVersion" : "2113.20.111"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 4555837440,
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "0.15.5",
    "CFBundleIdentifier" : "com.amethyst.Amethyst",
    "size" : 573440,
    "uuid" : "1626f320-9d4a-37f1-a1ef-dab4744f2a2e",
    "path" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/MacOS\/Amethyst",
    "name" : "Amethyst",
    "CFBundleVersion" : "92"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 4619202560,
    "size" : 442368,
    "uuid" : "cef5a27a-d50b-3020-af03-1734b19bc8c5",
    "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/dyld",
    "name" : "dyld"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 140703388479488,
    "size" : 225280,
    "uuid" : "5aa1e5be-b5b8-3a02-9885-a8c99e0ca378",
    "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/system\/libsystem_kernel.dylib",
    "name" : "libsystem_kernel.dylib"
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "x86_64",
    "base" : 140703388704768,
    "size" : 49152,
    "uuid" : "6c7561b4-4b92-3f45-921e-abe669299844",
    "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/system\/libsystem_pthread.dylib",
    "name" : "libsystem_pthread.dylib"
    "size" : 0,
    "source" : "A",
    "base" : 0,
    "uuid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  "sharedCache" : {
  "base" : 140703385477120,
  "size" : 15216738304,
  "uuid" : "40432a03-88d3-305f-9c0c-e7549e71d927"
  "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=1.1G resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=1.1G(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=2.3G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2.3G(100%)\n\n                                VIRTUAL   REGION \nREGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced) \n===========                     =======  ======= \nAccelerate framework               640K        5 \nActivity Tracing                   256K        1 \nCG image                            48K        4 \nColorSync                          224K       25 \nCoreAnimation                      648K       14 \nCoreGraphics                        20K        4 \nCoreUI image data                   36K        2 \nFoundation                          16K        1 \nKernel Alloc Once                    8K        1 \nMALLOC                           400.4M       99 \nMALLOC guard page                   48K       11 \nMALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved)           1.5G       13         reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nMALLOC_NANO (reserved)           384.0M        1         reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nSQLite page cache                   64K        1 \nSTACK GUARD                       56.0M       12 \nStack                             13.6M       12 \nVM_ALLOCATE                        168K       17 \n__DATA                            28.1M      477 \n__DATA_CONST                      27.9M      307 \n__DATA_DIRTY                      1521K      197 \n__FONT_DATA                          4K        1 \n__LINKEDIT                       645.5M       23 \n__OBJC_RO                         81.8M        1 \n__OBJC_RW                         3136K        2 \n__TEXT                           456.7M      496 \n__UNICODE                          588K        1 \ndyld private memory               1024K        1 \nmapped file                      141.3M       22 \nshared memory                      772K       16 \n===========                     =======  ======= \nTOTAL                              3.7G     1767 \nTOTAL, minus reserved VM space     1.8G     1767 \n",
  "legacyInfo" : {
  "threadTriggered" : {
    "queue" : ""
  "trialInfo" : {
  "rollouts" : [
      "rolloutId" : "60da5e84ab0ca017dace9abf",
      "factorPackIds" : {

      "deploymentId" : 240000008
      "rolloutId" : "607844aa04477260f58a8077",
      "factorPackIds" : {
        "SIRI_MORPHUN_ASSETS" : "6103050cbfe6dc472e1c982a"
      "deploymentId" : 240000066
      "rolloutId" : "602ad4dac86151000cf27e46",
      "factorPackIds" : {
        "SIRI_DICTATION_ASSETS" : "61a80a438feb033580c2778b"
      "deploymentId" : 240000290
      "rolloutId" : "5fc94383418129005b4e9ae0",
      "factorPackIds" : {

      "deploymentId" : 240000207
      "rolloutId" : "601d9415f79519000ccd4b69",
      "factorPackIds" : {
        "SIRI_TEXT_TO_SPEECH" : "61c11dcd2cb6041dc630dc63"
      "deploymentId" : 240000362
      "rolloutId" : "5ffde50ce2aacd000d47a95f",
      "factorPackIds" : {

      "deploymentId" : 240000097
  "experiments" : [


rdamazio avatar Jan 24 '22 18:01 rdamazio

I thought Amethyst was crashing because of it's okay support for multiple displays, but I've been noticing it crashing even while I've been using it without an external monitor for a bit now...

jasikpark avatar Jan 25 '22 23:01 jasikpark

Anything I can do to help sort this out?

jasikpark avatar Jan 25 '22 23:01 jasikpark

Maybe an odd question, but do you quit zoom after a call finishes?

ianyh avatar Jan 26 '22 00:01 ianyh

I do

jasikpark avatar Jan 26 '22 03:01 jasikpark

It used to happen to me fairly consistently when quitting zoom after a meeting. There's a race condition somewhere with accessibility notifications and app termination that I haven't figured out yet.

ianyh avatar Jan 26 '22 03:01 ianyh

Would it be possible to add an automatic crash popup so that you can see that amethyst has crashed? It usually takes me a while before I realize it has 😓

jasikpark avatar Jan 27 '22 01:01 jasikpark

Unfortunately, the crash is a segfault so we can't recover from it enough to perform any actions.

ianyh avatar Jan 27 '22 03:01 ianyh

@jasikpark build yourself a small script/service that monitors Amethyst and restarts it, when it crashes.

martin-braun avatar Jan 28 '22 05:01 martin-braun

Ah, so maybe a service that just looks in the ps list for Amethyst and then open Console if it's crashed

jasikpark avatar Jan 28 '22 14:01 jasikpark

I have the same issue, where it crashes silently. It happens in the first quarter hour of use, then I relaunch it manually when I see it’s no longer running. It never crashes again in the course of the day.

I tried running it in the console to see error messages, but it’s not very helpful:

Amethyst(1126,0x10c964e00) malloc: can't allocate region
:*** mach_vm_map(size=140477248761856, flags: 100) failed (error code=3)
Amethyst(1126,0x10c964e00) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
[1]    1126 segmentation fault  /Applications/

The list of apps I’m using:

Firefox, Notes, iTerm, Fork, Xcode, AndroidStudio, maybe some others…

rtauziac avatar Feb 22 '22 09:02 rtauziac

Same issue.

Sometimes my keyboard shortcut does not work, so I look at the menubar and find out that the Amethyst icon is gone, that is, it somehow quit without warning. I just restart it.

SichangHe avatar Mar 07 '22 01:03 SichangHe

It started to annoy me as well, so here is my temporary fix for this problem.

(@jasikpark way simpler than that, MacOS has a proper LaunchAgent that we can make use of.)

Enable fix

  • First disable "Start Amethyst at Login" in the context menu (we will take care of it ourselves)
  • Now quit Amethyst
  • Now create the file ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist
  • Paste the following contents into the file and save:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  • Now run the following command only once:
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist

From now on it will launch automatically and will be relaunched when it quits or crashes.

Disable fix

Once this issue has been solved, just run this command to reverse your changes:

launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist
launchctl remove Amethyst.job
rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist

Now start Amethyst again and enable "Start Amethyst at Login" in the context menu.

martin-braun avatar Mar 07 '22 11:03 martin-braun

The problem with that workaround is that restarting Amethyst always scrambles the layout (related: #1098). When that happens randomly without warning it's even more annoying than auto tiling stopping...

ulope avatar Apr 14 '22 13:04 ulope

@ulope Oh, the layout resets? I only use a single layout consistently, so I didn't realize, thus I am happy with my workaround. I guess this bypass has a caveat then. After all, this is just a workaround and no solution to the problem.

martin-braun avatar Apr 16 '22 14:04 martin-braun

Yeah, after a restart all screens go back to the default layout. Since I usually use [fullscreen] [tall] [row] across my three screens I always have to re-select at least two...

ulope avatar May 10 '22 14:05 ulope

@ulope Can you try to disable "Restore layouts on launch" in the "Layouts" tab of the settings and see if this helps at least a little?

martin-braun avatar May 10 '22 17:05 martin-braun

It started to annoy me as well, so here is my temporary fix for this problem.

(@jasikpark way simpler than that, MacOS has a proper LaunchAgent that we can make use of.)

Enable fix

  • First disable "Start Amethyst at Login" in the context menu (we will take care of it ourselves)
  • Now quit Amethyst
  • Now create the file ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist
  • Paste the following contents into the file and save:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  • Now run the following command only once:
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist

From now on it will launch automatically and will be relaunched when it quits or crashes.

Disable fix

Once this issue has been solved, just run this command to reverse your changes:

launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist
launchctl remove Amethyst.job
rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Amethyst.job.plist

Now start Amethyst again and enable "Start Amethyst at Login" in the context menu.

The problem with this workaround is that it creates several instances of Amethyst...

This is my menubar right now :/


juanra avatar Aug 01 '22 16:08 juanra

oop - yeah.. at this point I've been running yabai on m1 mac for a couple of months

jasikpark avatar Aug 01 '22 16:08 jasikpark

@juanra I also use Bartender, I just don't use the Bartender Bar. For me this is not happening. Try to move Amethyst in the menu bar, it could help.

@jasikpark Please keep the issue open, though.

martin-braun avatar Aug 01 '22 17:08 martin-braun

I'm also encountering this crash on the latest macOS Ventura beta.

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               Amethyst [23821]
Path:                  /Applications/
Identifier:            com.amethyst.Amethyst
Version:               0.16.0 (94)
Code Type:             ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2022-10-16 12:03:31.5212 +0200
OS Version:            macOS 13.0 (22A5373b)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        A118B909-F856-B290-8367-7532812B9512

Sleep/Wake UUID:       02618D60-A53B-4A47-8F91-3617B61A975A

Time Awake Since Boot: 76000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       4592 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000600020000000
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x0000600020000000

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process:   exc handler [23821]

VM Region Info: 0x600020000000 is not in any region.  Bytes after previous region: 1  
      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      MALLOC_NANO              600018000000-600020000000 [128.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_platform.dylib      	       0x181e77f30 _platform_memmove + 96
1   libsystem_blocks.dylib        	       0x181ba6b4c _Block_copy + 92
2   Silica                        	       0x1045ff8cc observerCallback + 24
3   HIServices                    	       0x187690b64 _XXMIGPostNotification + 888
4   HIServices                    	       0x1876bb75c _XPostNotification + 392
5   HIServices                    	       0x187672ba8 mshMIGPerform + 204
6   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f29fc4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 60
7   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f29ee4 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 520
8   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f288d0 __CFRunLoopRun + 2264
9   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f278a4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 612
10  HIToolbox                     	       0x18b59e3bc RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
11  HIToolbox                     	       0x18b59e200 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 672
12  HIToolbox                     	       0x18b59df48 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 72
13  AppKit                        	       0x18517f664 _DPSNextEvent + 632
14  AppKit                        	       0x18517e7f4 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 728
15  AppKit                        	       0x185172c24 -[NSApplication run] + 464
16  AppKit                        	       0x18514a08c NSApplicationMain + 880
17  Amethyst                      	       0x1043fc534 0x1043f8000 + 17716
18  dyld                          	       0x181b1fe50 start + 2544

Thread 1::
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x181e0adf0 mach_msg2_trap + 8
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x181e1c8d8 mach_msg2_internal + 80
2   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x181e13638 mach_msg_overwrite + 540
3   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x181e0b16c mach_msg + 24
4   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f29bdc __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160
5   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f284c8 __CFRunLoopRun + 1232
6   CoreFoundation                	       0x181f278a4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 612
7   AppKit                        	       0x1852a927c _NSEventThread + 172
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x181e4a06c _pthread_start + 148
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x181e44e2c thread_start + 8

Thread 2:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x181e44e18 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 3:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x181e44e18 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
    x0: 0x0000000290000000   x1: 0x000060001ffffff0   x2: 0x00000001becddaa0   x3: 0x00000002ae8b5da0
    x4: 0x00005ffd7174a250   x5: 0x0000000000000020   x6: 0x0000000000000000   x7: 0x0000000000000000
    x8: 0x0000000000000000   x9: 0x0000000000000103  x10: 0x0000000000000018  x11: 0x0000000000000018
   x12: 0x0000000104b19a10  x13: 0x0000000000000000  x14: 0x0000000000000001  x15: 0x0000000000000000
   x16: 0x0000000181e77ed0  x17: 0x00000001e232c830  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x0000000290000000
   x20: 0x000060000174a250  x21: 0x00000001dd593860  x22: 0x00006000017f2460  x23: 0x0000600003b53520
   x24: 0x000060000174a250  x25: 0x0000600003b4bf20  x26: 0x0000000000000008  x27: 0x0000000107660000
   x28: 0x000060000174a280   fp: 0x000000016ba05100   lr: 0x0000000181ba6b4c
    sp: 0x000000016ba050b0   pc: 0x0000000181e77f30 cpsr: 0x20001000
   far: 0x0000600020000000  esr: 0x92000006 (Data Abort) byte read Translation fault

FelixLisczyk avatar Oct 18 '22 08:10 FelixLisczyk

The random crashes are still happening with the latest versions of Amethyst and macOS. Here is a recent crash report:

Crash Report
Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               Amethyst [14838]
Path:                  /Applications/
Identifier:            com.amethyst.Amethyst
Version:               0.18.0 (100)
Code Type:             ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2023-02-15 10:22:13.6073 +0100
OS Version:            macOS 13.2.1 (22D68)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        A118B909-F856-B290-8367-7532812B9512

Sleep/Wake UUID:       66E2FAC8-DCE7-4B95-AA92-3FD511A23D24

Time Awake Since Boot: 27000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       947 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000600020000000
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x0000600020000000

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process:   exc handler [14838]

VM Region Info: 0x600020000000 is not in any region.  Bytes after previous region: 1  
      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      MALLOC_NANO              600018000000-600020000000 [128.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_platform.dylib      	       0x184deff30 _platform_memmove + 96
1   libsystem_blocks.dylib        	       0x184b1eb4c _Block_copy + 92
2   Silica                        	       0x1002df21c observerCallback + 24
3   HIServices                    	       0x18a645b64 _XXMIGPostNotification + 888
4   HIServices                    	       0x18a67075c _XPostNotification + 392
5   HIServices                    	       0x18a627ba8 mshMIGPerform + 204
6   CoreFoundation                	       0x184ea1f98 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 60
7   CoreFoundation                	       0x184ea1eb8 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 520
8   CoreFoundation                	       0x184ea08a4 __CFRunLoopRun + 2264
9   CoreFoundation                	       0x184e9f878 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 612
10  HIToolbox                     	       0x18e57ffa0 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
11  HIToolbox                     	       0x18e57fde4 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 672
12  HIToolbox                     	       0x18e57fb2c _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 72
13  AppKit                        	       0x18812584c _DPSNextEvent + 632
14  AppKit                        	       0x1881249dc -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 728
15  AppKit                        	       0x188118e0c -[NSApplication run] + 464
16  AppKit                        	       0x1880f0250 NSApplicationMain + 880
17  Amethyst                      	       0x1000d119c 0x1000cc000 + 20892
18  dyld                          	       0x184a97e50 start + 2544

Thread 1::
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x184d82050 mach_msg2_trap + 8
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x184d9411c mach_msg2_internal + 80
2   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x184d8ac24 mach_msg_overwrite + 452
3   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x184d823cc mach_msg + 24
4   CoreFoundation                	       0x184ea1bb0 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160
5   CoreFoundation                	       0x184ea049c __CFRunLoopRun + 1232
6   CoreFoundation                	       0x184e9f878 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 612
7   AppKit                        	       0x18825019c _NSEventThread + 172
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x184dc206c _pthread_start + 148
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x184dbce2c thread_start + 8

Thread 2:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x184dbce18 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 3:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x184dbce18 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
    x0: 0x0000000288000000   x1: 0x0000600020000000   x2: 0x00000001c2514670   x3: 0x00000002a5eebee0
    x4: 0x00005ffd7a114120   x5: 0x0000000000000020   x6: 0x0000000000000000   x7: 0x0000000000000000
    x8: 0x0000000000000000   x9: 0x0000000000000103  x10: 0x0000000000000018  x11: 0x0000000000000018
   x12: 0x0000000100729830  x13: 0x0000000000000000  x14: 0x0000000000000001  x15: 0x0000000000000000
   x16: 0x0000000184defed0  x17: 0x00000001e51b00e0  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x0000000288000000
   x20: 0x0000600002114120  x21: 0x00000001e0400570  x22: 0x0000600002114180  x23: 0x0000600000ce8eb0
   x24: 0x0000600002114120  x25: 0x0000600000cee8f0  x26: 0x0000000000000008  x27: 0x0000000100b84000
   x28: 0x0000600002112d00   fp: 0x000000016fd31160   lr: 0x0000000184b1eb4c
    sp: 0x000000016fd31110   pc: 0x0000000184deff30 cpsr: 0x20001000
   far: 0x0000600020000000  esr: 0x92000006 (Data Abort) byte read Translation fault

Binary Images:
       0x184dec000 -        0x184df3ffb libsystem_platform.dylib (*) <4cf75103-429d-3aae-ba13-2c1f67e47dbb> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
       0x184b1d000 -        0x184b21ffe libsystem_blocks.dylib (*) <dc0068a7-d49a-34b6-a296-6ca3913d9467> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
       0x1002dc000 -        0x1002e3fff org.cocoapods.Silica (0.3.7) <d27d3f08-4168-36ab-b9d9-d51084c8b389> /Applications/
       0x18a61c000 -        0x18a67ffff (1.22) <2bb62b67-c2cc-3584-841f-531216249cb3> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
       0x184e20000 -        0x1852f7fff (6.9) <18260df4-69a8-30d3-8175-fb8ae7ae7709> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
       0x18e54e000 -        0x18e881fff (2.1.1) <c68fe2e2-e0f3-3caf-ada3-bcc72fba79d0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
       0x1880ec000 -        0x188ff7fff (6.9) <88722053-0df0-3d4f-bf55-7e3c2d2c8e29> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
       0x1000cc000 -        0x10016bfff com.amethyst.Amethyst (0.18.0) <1bb060f3-89d3-3291-8f9f-63fb0f86deba> /Applications/
       0x184a92000 -        0x184b1cba3 dyld (*) <191e84f1-4b95-39c8-b253-1c1ef56c0fa8> /usr/lib/dyld
       0x184d81000 -        0x184dbafeb libsystem_kernel.dylib (*) <3dcd49b9-b3c5-3d90-be40-a3b807cb9cd7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
       0x184dbb000 -        0x184dc7ffb libsystem_pthread.dylib (*) <9f3b729a-ed04-3e65-adac-d75ad06ebbdc> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
               0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? (*) <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ???

External Modification Summary:
  Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by all processes on this machine:
    task_for_pid: 20
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 1874

VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=1.3G resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=1.3G(100%)
Writable regions: Total=9.2G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=9.2G(100%)

                                VIRTUAL   REGION 
REGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced) 
===========                     =======  ======= 
Accelerate framework               256K        2 
Activity Tracing                   256K        1 
ColorSync                          528K       25 
CoreAnimation                       64K        2 
CoreGraphics                        80K        5 
Foundation                          16K        1 
IOKit                              176K       11 
IOSurface                          160K        2 
Kernel Alloc Once                   32K        1 
MALLOC                             1.2G       66 
MALLOC guard page                  192K        8 
MALLOC_LARGE (reserved)            7.0G        1         reserved VM address space (unallocated)
MALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved)           1.1G        9         reserved VM address space (unallocated)
STACK GUARD                       56.1M        4 
Stack                             9808K        4 
VM_ALLOCATE                        160K        6 
__AUTH                            1789K      324 
__AUTH_CONST                      23.6M      534 
__CTF                               756        1 
__DATA                            11.9M      539 
__DATA_CONST                      26.9M      553 
__DATA_DIRTY                      1904K      209 
__FONT_DATA                        2352        1 
__LINKEDIT                       773.1M       18 
__OBJC_CONST                      4403K      294 
__OBJC_RO                         65.5M        1 
__OBJC_RW                         1988K        1 
__TEXT                           558.9M      575 
dyld private memory                256K        1 
mapped file                      172.5M       22 
shared memory                     1392K       14 
===========                     =======  ======= 
TOTAL                             10.9G     3235 
TOTAL, minus reserved VM space     2.8G     3235 

Full Report

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  "uptime" : 27000,
  "procRole" : "Default",
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  "translated" : false,
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  "roots_installed" : 0,
  "bug_type" : "309",
  "procLaunch" : "2023-02-14 15:17:20.8016 +0100",
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  "parentPid" : 1,
  "coalitionName" : "com.amethyst.Amethyst",
  "crashReporterKey" : "A118B909-F856-B290-8367-7532812B9512",
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  "wakeTime" : 947,
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  "sip" : "enabled",
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  "termination" : {"flags":0,"code":11,"namespace":"SIGNAL","indicator":"Segmentation fault: 11","byProc":"exc handler","byPid":14838},
  "vmregioninfo" : "0x600020000000 is not in any region.  Bytes after previous region: 1  \n      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT\/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL\n      MALLOC_NANO              600018000000-600020000000 [128.0M] rw-\/rwx SM=PRV  \n--->  \n      UNUSED SPACE AT END",
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  "faultingThread" : 0,
  "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":121857,"threadState":{"x":[{"value":10871635968},{"value":105553653137408},{"value":7555073648},{"value":11373821664},{"value":105542279315744},{"value":32},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":259},{"value":24},{"value":24},{"value":4302477360},{"value":0},{"value":1},{"value":0},{"value":6524174032,"symbolLocation":0,"symbol":"_platform_memmove"},{"value":8138719456},{"value":0},{"value":10871635968},{"value":105553150951712},{"value":8057259376,"symbolLocation":63512,"symbol":"InitialAllocationPool"},{"value":105553150951808},{"value":105553129803440},{"value":105553150951712},{"value":105553129826544},{"value":8},{"value":4307042304},{"value":105553150946560}],"flavor":"ARM_THREAD_STATE64","lr":{"value":6521219916},"cpsr":{"value":536875008},"fp":{"value":6171070816},"sp":{"value":6171070736},"esr":{"value":2449473542,"description":"(Data Abort) byte read Translation fault"},"pc":{"value":6524174128,"matchesCrashFrame":1},"far":{"value":105553653137408}},"queue":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":16176,"symbol":"_platform_memmove","symbolLocation":96,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":6988,"symbol":"_Block_copy","symbolLocation":92,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":12828,"symbol":"observerCallback","symbolLocation":24,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":170852,"symbol":"_XXMIGPostNotification","symbolLocation":888,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":345948,"symbol":"_XPostNotification","symbolLocation":392,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":48040,"symbol":"mshMIGPerform","symbolLocation":204,"imageIndex":3},{"imageOffset":532376,"symbol":"__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__","symbolLocation":60,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":532152,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopDoSource1","symbolLocation":520,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":526500,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopRun","symbolLocation":2264,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":522360,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRunSpecific","symbolLocation":612,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":204704,"symbol":"RunCurrentEventLoopInMode","symbolLocation":292,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":204260,"symbol":"ReceiveNextEventCommon","symbolLocation":672,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":203564,"symbol":"_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter","symbolLocation":72,"imageIndex":5},{"imageOffset":235596,"symbol":"_DPSNextEvent","symbolLocation":632,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":231900,"symbol":"-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]","symbolLocation":728,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":183820,"symbol":"-[NSApplication run]","symbolLocation":464,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":16976,"symbol":"NSApplicationMain","symbolLocation":880,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":20892,"imageIndex":7},{"imageOffset":24144,"symbol":"start","symbolLocation":2544,"imageIndex":8}]},{"id":122291,"name":"","frames":[{"imageOffset":4176,"symbol":"mach_msg2_trap","symbolLocation":8,"imageIndex":9},{"imageOffset":78108,"symbol":"mach_msg2_internal","symbolLocation":80,"imageIndex":9},{"imageOffset":39972,"symbol":"mach_msg_overwrite","symbolLocation":452,"imageIndex":9},{"imageOffset":5068,"symbol":"mach_msg","symbolLocation":24,"imageIndex":9},{"imageOffset":531376,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort","symbolLocation":160,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":525468,"symbol":"__CFRunLoopRun","symbolLocation":1232,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":522360,"symbol":"CFRunLoopRunSpecific","symbolLocation":612,"imageIndex":4},{"imageOffset":1458588,"symbol":"_NSEventThread","symbolLocation":172,"imageIndex":6},{"imageOffset":28780,"symbol":"_pthread_start","symbolLocation":148,"imageIndex":10},{"imageOffset":7724,"symbol":"thread_start","symbolLocation":8,"imageIndex":10}]},{"id":869840,"frames":[{"imageOffset":7704,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":10}]},{"id":870533,"frames":[{"imageOffset":7704,"symbol":"start_wqthread","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":10}]}],
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    "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/system\/libsystem_platform.dylib",
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    "queue" : ""
  "trialInfo" : {
  "rollouts" : [
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      "factorPackIds" : {
        "SIRI_MEMORY_SYNC_CONFIG" : "634705e78e8be655c1316a6e"
      "deploymentId" : 240000005
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      "factorPackIds" : {
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      "deploymentId" : 240000019
  "experiments" : [


FelixLisczyk avatar Feb 15 '23 09:02 FelixLisczyk

As a workaround, I've disabled the "Start Amethyst on Login" option and created a launch agent. This ensures that Amethyst restarts automatically after a crash.

Create the following file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.amethyst.Amethyst.keep-alive.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Load it with the following command: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.amethyst.Amethyst.keep-alive.plist

FelixLisczyk avatar Feb 19 '23 09:02 FelixLisczyk

Weirdly I haven't been able to make it crash recently in the ways that it used to frequently crash; the primary one being quitting zoom right as a call is being ended by the host. I made a change in the underlying window management library that could have stabilized this, but that crash in the recent comment above is definitely the one that's been plaguing me.

ianyh avatar Feb 23 '23 00:02 ianyh

This happens to me 1-2 times per day. Every time I think I'm picking up on a pattern it happens in an unrelated situation again... that said I don't use Zoom and my recent imagined patterns were coming out of sleep mode and plugging/unplugging an external monitor 🙃 .

I've seen two kinds of crash reports generated from it, both of which are quite similar to the others above. One thing that's consistent - it's always trying to access one of the same two memory addresses when it segfaults, perhaps that's helpful?

simoleone avatar Mar 04 '23 21:03 simoleone

Not sure this is of any help, but I found Amethyst crashes consistently by quitting, then opening telegram. Thanks.

Debug info
Version: 0.18.0 (100)

OS version: Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)

	(0.0, 0.0, 3200.0, 1333.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 3200.0, 1333.0)]
	(3200.0, -1227.0, 1440.0, 2560.0) [(3200.0, 0.0, 1440.0, 2560.0)]

focus-follows-mouse: 0
window-margin-size: 1
use-canary-build: 0
window-resize-step: 5
ignore-menu-bar: 1
floating-is-blacklist: 1
restore-layouts-on-launch: 1
debug-layout-info: 0
mod2: (
enables-layout-hud: 1
window-minimum-width: 0
screen-padding-top: 0
window-margins: 0
floating: (
layouts: (
mod1: (
window-max-count: 0
window-minimum-height: 0
screen-padding-right: 0
screen-padding-left: 0
new-windows-to-main: 0
screen-padding-bottom: 0
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
float-small-windows: 1
mouse-follows-focus: 0
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 1

stanleyjzheng avatar Mar 12 '23 22:03 stanleyjzheng

@stanleyjzheng that still functioned correctly for me on 0.18.0, but could you try it on 0.19.0?

ianyh avatar Mar 13 '23 12:03 ianyh

Still have the same crash with 0.19.0, here's a quick screen recording, in which I first open telegram when it is minimized, then quit, and reopen it, leading to the crash:

0.19.0 Debug info
Version: 0.19.0 (103)

OS version: Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68)

	(0.0, 0.0, 3200.0, 1333.0) [(0.0, 0.0, 3200.0, 1333.0)]
	(3200.0, -1227.0, 1440.0, 2560.0) [(3200.0, 0.0, 1440.0, 2560.0)]

enables-layout-hud: 1
screen-padding-left: 0
float-small-windows: 1
mod2: (
restore-layouts-on-launch: 1
enables-layout-hud-on-space-change: 1
screen-padding-top: 0
floating: (
follow-space-thrown-windows: 1
focus-follows-mouse: 0
screen-padding-right: 0
debug-layout-info: 0
mod1: (
ignore-menu-bar: 1
window-margins: 0
window-minimum-height: 0
floating-is-blacklist: 1
window-resize-step: 5
screen-padding-bottom: 0
window-margin-size: 1
use-canary-build: 0
window-max-count: 0
mouse-follows-focus: 0
layouts: (
window-minimum-width: 0
new-windows-to-main: 0

stanleyjzheng avatar Mar 14 '23 07:03 stanleyjzheng

for me .. it is only when i start zoom. it doesnt always crash. sometimes it just stops managing the windows and thats when i realise amethyst has crashed 0.19 updated this morning still has this issue

marafa-sugarcrm avatar Mar 14 '23 17:03 marafa-sugarcrm

Funny thing, I checked todays crash reports (3 for today) and they all happened at the exactly same time where I joined a Zoom call 😬

If needed I could provide those 3 crash reports, but they look the same as the already provided ones (Segfault 11, SIGSEGV).

I'm on macOS 13.2.1 and Amethyst 0.19.0

haukebruno avatar Mar 28 '23 13:03 haukebruno