vue-component-reset icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-component-reset copied to clipboard

A Vue.js component mixin that makes restoring initial state to the component simple


A Vue.js component mixin that makes restoring initial state to the component simple

npm page CI


yarn add @ianwalter/vue-component-reset


import vueComponentReset from '@ianwalter/vue-component-reset'

const resetMixin = vueComponentReset(() => ({ msg: 'Hello', count: 0 }))

export default {
  mixins: [resetMixin],
  methods: {
    someAction () {
      this.reset() // Reset data to it's initial state.
      this.reset('msg') // Reset msg to it's initial state.


  • vuex-reset - A Vuex plugin that makes restoring initial state to the store simple


Hippocratic License - See LICENSE


Created by Ian Walter