Ian Taylor

Results 81 issues of Ian Taylor

### Describe the solution you would like. As noted in https://github.com/nmfs-stock-synthesis/doc/issues/154, F_method 4 can replicate F_method 2 and 3 (although @chantelwetzel-noaa noted that further testing could be conducted). An additional...

fishing mortality
new request

This line of code seem to limit the Bratio values reported to DERIVED_QUANTITES to start after the first year with catch: https://github.com/nmfs-stock-synthesis/stock-synthesis/blob/main/SS_readdata_330.tpl#L3550-L3551 Thus, in the "Simple" model, where the start...

misc. output

The 2021 lingcod south area assessment estimates current spawning biomass slightly below the B40% target leading to the additional impact of the 40:10 adjustment used in the harvest control rule...

misc. output
new request

Moving the r4ss repo (and potentially ss3sim) into the `nmfs-stock-synthesis` organization (which didn't exist when the r4ss organization on github was created) could consolidate some of the overhead associated with...


Thanks to @roliveros-ramos and a team of folks at the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, a new "empirical selectivity" output (`$empirical_selectivity` in the list returned by `SS_output()`) has been added in...


Assessment reports and auxiliary information posted to U.S. government websites as well as the Pacific Fishery Management Council website (and presumably other council sites too), need to meet Section 508...


Comparing spawning output for models which have different maturity or fecundity relationships is problematic. Adding a comparison of summary biomass would help for these cases and may be useful in...


Table of values such as probability of relative spawning biomass falling below overfishing threshold in 2019, which I think would be calculated from "model" as pnorm(model$minbthresh, model$derived_quants["Bratio_2019","Value"], model$derived_quants["Bratio_2019","StdDev"]) Format of...


`SS_RunJitter()` automatically saves the `ParmTrace.sso` file from each jitter run (renamed to `ParmTrace1.sso`, `ParmTrace2.sso`, etc.). If the starter file is set to write parameter values to ParmTrace.sso (any option other...


The 2019 U.S. west coast Sablefish assessment says > Added variances for discard rates and mean body weights were set using values calculated iteratively using the RMSE of differences between...
