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fix: fix wxwork(wechatwork) ime can not work
Description: Fix cannot input Chinese on wxwork(wechat work).
Example: wechat and wxwork useragent: Wechat usearagent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; 22127RK46C Build/TKQ1.220905.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML%2C like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/107.0.5304.141 Mobile Safari/537.36 XWEB/5127 MMWEBSDK/20230604 MMWEBID/7189 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 Weixin NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64 qcloudcdn-xinan
wxwork(wexin work) useraget: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/107.0.5304.110 Safari/537.36 Language/zh wxwork/4.1.9 (MicroMessenger/6.2) WindowsWechat MailPlugin_Electron WeMail embeddisk /.*Wechat/.test(navigator.userAgent) This regex will also filter the useragent of the wxwork(weixin work), causing the wxwork unable receive the IME CompositionEnd event then cannot input Chinese.
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@dylans I have added the changeset. Please review it again. Thank you.
Slate Can't input Chinese correctly and it carshed on wechat(windows wechat/mac wechat/wxwork) mac:
I fixed it and it ok on wechat(windows wechat/mac wechat/wxwork...)
so i want remove restrictions on wechat.
@dylans Please review it again. Thank you.
@evilbs It looks like #5497 solves this by excluding macos rather than all platforms. Could you verify if the solution in the other PR works for you or if this is the better solution?
@dylans PR #5497 doesn't resolve my issue. it is only resolved mac wechat. my case happend on window wechat browser and window wxwork browser.
but i found that browser of all platforms of all wechat products have the same problem. WeChat and WxWork(Enterprise WeChat) are two products, but the wechat keyword exists in their useragent
i remove the restrictions, all wechat products can work fine. i checked all platforms and all wechat products.
@evilbs, ok, but in that case it doesn't make sense to completely remove the utility function to check for the Wechat browser, but rather just not to use it here?
@dylans hi, I have restored the utility function, Just remove the check.
This is failing our tests as I believe we need to update our minimum TS version. Will try to address this soon.
Apologies, this one fell off my radar. @evilbs if you have time to clean it up, I'll review and land it.