learning_text_transformer copied to clipboard
Search 'from' and 'to' strings to learn a text cleaning mapping
First open release (Aug 2015), the docs need improving. Python 3.4+ only (I belive, it can probably work with 'legacy' Python 2 easily enough but you'll have to figure that out).
MIT (see license file)
This learns to transform "the data that I have" into "the data that I want", you provide pairs of data (the "input" and the desired "output") and it tries to figure out a sequence of text transformations that'll solve this challenge.
The algorithm searches a large of possible transformations, it isn't guaranteed to find a solution as the search space can be crazy-big. This needs improving...
What I'd like is for folk to tell me what they need - your use cases (with data!) and how this could save you time, that'll give me good reason to plug on with better implementations.
# salaries_simple.csv
"£34866 P.A.","34866"
"£48260 P.A.","48260"
"45000 + BONUS","45000"
"thirty three thousand","33000"
$ python learning_text_transformer/transformer.py data/salaries_simple.csv
Loaded 8 items from data/salaries_simple.csv
Final sequence of transforms (cost=0.0):
Transformed versions of the input sequences:
'£34866 P.A.'->'34866' compared to '34866' has distance '0'
'£48260 P.A.'->'48260' compared to '48260' has distance '0'
'60000.00'->'60000' compared to '60000' has distance '0'
'60K'->'60000' compared to '60000' has distance '0'
'45000'->'45000' compared to '45000' has distance '0'
'£60K'->'60000' compared to '60000' has distance '0'
'45000 + BONUS'->'45000' compared to '45000' has distance '0'
'thirty three thousand'->'33000' compared to '33000' has distance '0'
Demo as a server:
The core code is hosted using Flask at http://annotate.io, this lets you upload a JSON dictionary of "input" and "output" items, it'll then return an object representing the transformation sequence. You can upload this with new "input" data and it'll transform it for you.
$ python learning_text_transformer/server.py
>>> import requests
>>> import json
>>> query={'inputs':['this Ltd', 'this blah'], 'outputs':['this', 'this blah']}
>>> # URL="http://api.annotate.io/learn" # use this for the online demo
>>> URL="http://localhost:5000/learn"
>>> requests.post(URL, data=json.dumps(query), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}).json()
{'transforms': [['TransformRemoveWords', {'terms': 'Ltd'}],
['TransformStrip', {}]]}
Further demo (via online version):
$ python demo/annotateio_demo.py # run the demo, it talks to annotate.io
Annotate.io demo to show how we learn a transformation sequence for data cleaning
Training phase - we use `inputs` to learn a transformation to get to the desired `outputs`:
inputs: ['Accenture PLC', 'Accenture Europe', 'Société Générale', 'Société Générale']
outputs: ['accenture', 'accenture europe', 'societe generale', 'societe generale']
Calling Annotate.io...
Training phase complete, now we have a `transforms` code
Data cleaning phase - we use the `transforms` that we've learned on previously unseen `inputs` items to generate new `outputs`):
inputs: ['RBS PLC', 'Royal Bank of Scotland PLC', 'Lancôme', ' Estée Lauder ']
We now have a transformed result:
outputs: ['rbs', 'royal bank of scotland', 'lancome', 'estee lauder']
Pretty printed:
Previously unseen input: Annotate's output:
RBS PLC -> rbs
Royal Bank of Scotland PLC -> royal bank of scotland
Lancôme -> lancome
Estée Lauder -> estee lauder
The transforms that are used in this demo include: Lowercase, Strip white-space, Convert unicode to ASCII, Strip token (to remove 'Ltd'), Fix badly encoded unicode
* $ python setup.py develop
* $ py.test
# For debugging
* $ py.test -s -v # shows stdout and verbose info
# Adding coverage and generating a report in ./html
* $ py.test --cov learning_text_transformer --cov-report html
To add:
* lowercase/uppercase all
* replace variant dashes to - (partially done with unidecode)
* make it faster! switch to e.g. A* algorithm
* show how to use pandas to upload a column
* normalise units ml/l, cm/mm/m, inches
* prioritise Transforms so most likely to be useful are tried early, e.g. use evidence of nbr of times it makes a change to prioritise it?
* only build RemoveWords transformer if words aren't in destination string! else operation is redundant for that example
* ATTRACTIVE SALARY PACKAGE -> "000" due to expandk not checking for nbr!
* mean was expensive, something that needs checking
* levenshtein.ratio didn't do a score for very distance strings, so no error space! i switched to raw edit distance
Future ideas?
* can we specify types in the final version? e.g. transform to an int?
* if we specify the output type (e.g. int) we can use L2 norm as a distance metric on numeric outputs (maybe, but then how to score the text transforms inbetween?)
* may be want to represent tokenised items as nodes so e.g. order could be messed with?
Possibly useful libraries:
* http://txt2re.com/ make regexes semi-automatically
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/776286/given-a-string-generate-a-regex-that-can-parse-similar-strings
* http://regex.inginf.units.it/ generate regexs automatically
* https://pypi.python.org/pypi/num2words convert words to numbers (in various languages)
* https://pypi.python.org/pypi/inflect Correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to words.
* http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52213/ soundex
* http://pint.readthedocs.org/en/0.6/ unit conversion
* https://github.com/sunlightlabs/jellyfish approximate/phonetic string matching inc Lev, Soundex, Metaphone
https://pawelmhm.github.io/python/pandas/2015/01/01/python-job-analytics.html analysing job data, notes that dates can be longform or 'just now' or 'yesterday' so good for mapping.