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Can't add env with assumed role into c9 account

Open aaroncaito opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Different than the other assumed role issue.

We have users made in shared-users account. We assume a dev role into development-sandbox where our c9 environments live. I cannot specify another account to look for valid environments or connect.

aaroncaito avatar Feb 10 '20 02:02 aaroncaito

Hi Aaron,

Just checking, you have users (with access keys) in the shared-users account which normally assume a role to access environments in development-sandbox?

If so, I believe setting the cloud9sync.assumeRole property to the ARN of the dev role will do the trick. Go to Code > Preferences > Settings > Extensions > Live Sync for AWS Cloud9 Configuration to set that property.

Let me know if that solves your problem or if I'm missing something.

iann0036 avatar Feb 10 '20 03:02 iann0036