ian hundere
ian hundere
> Can you check if the latest build runs fine without PUID=0 and PGID=0? > > There's also a support me button on my profile page now :) ditto, works...
@mguthaus i'd try with a swapfile...it's easier and more straightforward especially if you want encryption.
^ ou, that hibernation button is kinda cool. that's one way to go about it. i can write something up on how to do it via a swapfile tho. i've...
i used a combo of what @mguthaus used and the following: https://pop-planet.info/forums/threads/guide-to-hibernate-answer-is-a-guide.426/post-4722
okay, i stumbled upon this and it seems to be working to get rid of that error (which comes and goes): - https://github.com/MarkusMcNugen/docker-qBittorrentvpn/issues/107#issuecomment-968563814 added to openvpn file ``` pull-filter ignore...
you could just build image yourself, that's what i did. https://hub.docker.com/layers/docker-jackettvpn/zfigz/docker-jackettvpn/v0.0.2/images/sha256-e364b7e0900e92695a2a1e73d66bd483e96ffde102d62eb0bcfe8607445559b3?context=explore