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UI Components not accepting input

Open KnightMearh opened this issue 8 years ago • 1 comments

lime 2.9.1 openfl 3.6.1 actuate 1.8.6 hscript 2.0.5 haxeui 1.8.17

target: HTML5 (haven't tried mobile yet)

Sometimes when adding components, like CheckBox, OptionBox, or Button, they don't accept input.

root.addChild( button );
root.addChild( checkBox );
root.addChild( optionBox );

If I change the added order, so button is added last, then everything works. If button is added first in this case, then none of the UI Components accept input. In a separate menu later on, none of them are accepting input, regardless of changing their priority.

KnightMearh avatar Mar 29 '16 19:03 KnightMearh

I think this is again related to using the HTML5 target (which isnt officially supported in version 1) - If memory serves its because a label is always a fixed size (or something along those lines) so when you have the button first the label is actually extending down over the other controls stopping their input.

ianharrigan avatar Apr 02 '16 15:04 ianharrigan